Den super fjendske film-anmelder, Mr.Cranky har taget et nærmere kig på “Star Wars – Attack of the Clones”, og hvordan man kan skrive Jar Jar ud af trilogien.

Han har derudover også taget et kig på hvordan, “Star Wars – Episode 3” kunne udvikle sig, hvis den var blevet instrueret af folk som, Michael Bay, Lynch, Fincher og mange andre. Der er bl.a. Star Wars i ren Se7en stil, hvor Anakin finder Amidalas hoved i en kasse.

Klik på overskriften for at læse det hele. Artiklen er på engelsk.

Vis kommentarer (10)

#1 Toranaga 21 år siden

Episode III Fincher style, så kunne den blive rigtig mørk og skummel som Lucas ikke formår.

#2 azathoth 21 år siden

heh, jeg vil nu lige vente med at fordømme Lucas indtil jeg har set Episode III... han lægger selv op til at den bliver MEGET dunkel... spørgsmålet er om han tør leve op til sine egne ord...

men hallo... Darth Vader, universets (næst)ondeste mand bliver til i den film, den MÅ være ond!!! ;)
This is not the signature you're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along!

#3 filmz-nihil 21 år siden

han bliver først til i sin nuværende form i 4'eren, i slutningen af 3'eren er det meningen at han skal kæmpe mod obi wan og falde i noget lava eller andet skadeligt.

#4 DarkLight 21 år siden

øv....ville ellers gerne have hemmeligheder om det hans suit og om hvordan han i det hele taget blev lavet/lavede sig selv ?
This weekend will be filled with staring out of windows while holding a glass of scotch.

#5 filmz-Lucifer 21 år siden

Synes ærlig talt Star Wars er kørt lidt langt ud. Hvad bliver det næste? En komplet computeranimation?

Burde nok have stoppet mens legen var god

#6 filmz-vassago 21 år siden

Tarantino style ;)

Mace: Ok, so tell me again about the power of the Dark Side.

Yoda: Ok, so what you wanna' know

Mace: Killin's legal there, right?

Yoda: Yeah, it's legal but it ain't 100% legal. I mean you can't just walk into a Star Destroyer, clench your fist and star killin' motherfuckers. I mean they want you to kill with your mind or certain designated weapons.

Mace: And those are lightsabers?

Yoda: Yeah. It breaks down like this: It's legal to own one. It's legal to buy one. And if you're the proprietor of a lightsaber bar, it's legal to sell em'. It's illegal to carry it, but, but, but that doesn't matter... cuz
' get a load of this... if you get stopped by a Stormtrooper on Coruscant,
it's illegal for them to search you. I mean that's a right the Stormtroopers on Coruscant don't have.

Mace: Aw, man. I'm goin'. That's all there is to it: I'm fuckin' goin.

Yoda: I know, baby. You'd dig it the most. ... But you know what the funniest thing about Coruscant is?

Mace: What?

Yoda: It's the little differences. I mean they got the same lightsabers over there that they got here, but there they're just a little different.

Mace: Example.

Yoda: Aw'right, well you can walk into a holovid theater on Coruscant and buy a lightsaber crystal. And I don't mean just like no synthetic imitation, I'm talkin; about a natural crytal. And on Naboo , you can buy a lightsaber
in McDonalds. And you know what they call a double length lightsaber on Naboo?

Mace: They don't call it a double length lightsaber?

Yoda: No, man, they got the Lucas system. They wouldn't know what the fuck double length is.

Mace: Well, what do they call it?

Yoda: They call it a Royale Saber of light.

Mace: Roy-al Saber of Light! What do they call a regular lightsaber?

Yoda: Lightsaber's a lightsaber but they call it Le Lightsaber.

Mace: Le Lightsaber. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. What do they call a blaster?

Yoda: I don't know. I didn't go into Blaster King. ... You know what they put on Jedi's on Naboo instead of cloaks?

Mace: What?

Yoda: Gowns.

Mace: God-Damn.

Yoda: I seen em' do it, man. They fuckin' drape em' in that shit.

Mace: Gaaaaah.
"For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake" - A. Hitchcock

#7 azathoth 21 år siden

This is not the signature you're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along!

#8 filmz-Lucifer 21 år siden

SYGT, Vassago! :))

Tillykke; du har lige vundet VM I Lange Indlæg.
Men den er s.. for sjov, heh

#9 filmz-rolfstar 21 år siden

Vassago... kick ass man :-)

good one!

#10 filmz-vassago 21 år siden

Det er sjovt hvad man kan finde rundt på nettet.
"For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake" - A. Hitchcock

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