I denne uge har den danske gyser “Når dyrene drømmer” premiere. I den anledning har Filmz kigget nærmere på nogle af de bedste gys igennem de senere år.

Normalt når man taler om gysergenrens guldalder, taler man som regel enten om klassiske monster-film fra 1930’erne, eller 1970’ernes blodige slasherfilm.

Men der findes en håndfuld tankevækkende, provokerende og hjernevridende gyserperler fra den nærmeste nutid, som sagtens vil kunne få en plads blandt de helt store forfædre. Her er fem bud på de bedste af slagsen.

Klik videre her neden for og find ud af, hvilke fem film der er på listen, og hvilken som er vores nr. 1.

Læs artiklen ‘Filmz-toppen: Nutidens bedste gys'

Vis kommentarer (36)

#31 HonoDelLoce 9 år siden

Thomsen (29) skrev:

Der er meget hø blandt found footage-filmene, men der kommer også virkeligt mange af dem.

[Rec] er nok en af de bedste. Jeg kunne selv også ret godt lide de to V/H/S-film, den japanske The Curse (Noroi), den crowd-fundede The Tunnel og The Last Exorcism. Dark Skies fra sidste år læner sig SVJH også op ad genren.

Jeg har også et lille, svagt punkt for The Poughkeepsie Tapes. Skuespillet er for det mest direkte forfærdeligt, men found footage-sekvenserne (en morderes efterladte optagelser) har en uhyggelig og ubehagelig undertone, jeg sjældent hat set. Filmen er desværre aldrig udkommet andre steder end på streaming, men den ligger muligvis stadigvæk på YouTube.

Tak :)

[Rec] er en af de film, jeg længe har anet, jeg bør se, men aldrig har fået taget mig sammen til rent faktisk at få set. Må jeg heller få lavet om på.
Jeg har intet problem med ikke at have ret. Det er kun, hvis nogen påpeger det, jeg bliver stædig!

#32 Kisbye 9 år siden

Lord Beef Jerky (18) skrev:
Pécuchet (17) skrev:
1. La Vie nouvelle
2. Inland Empire
3. 28 Days Later...
4. Antichrist
5. Dans ma peau

Kan du ikke fortælle lidt om nr 1? Nr 5 er også en undervurderet sag. Har du set Trouble Every Day?

Har hørt at at den minder lidt om Irreversibel?
Er ikke sikker på at det er en film jeg har lyst til at se :)

Kopieret fra et andet lukket forum:
La vie nouvelle, with its schizophrenic camera and piercing audio frequency, provokes a dangerous sensation. It pulsates like a tremor, as if we're entering a universe after some unnamed, unmentioned nuclear disaster. While it's easy to make visual association to familiar images of horror like Night of the Living Dead when the film opens on a dark pasture with zombie-like peasants, Salò; or The 120 Days of Sodom while a group of Russian criminals strip a group of beautiful youths naked or Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me as characters malevolently scream into the air, Grandrieux's vision is wholly unique.

Melania (Anna Mouglalis) is one of those Salò youths, stripped first of her clothes and then of her hair before entering some sort of sex trade. Seymour (Zachary Knighton) is the Yankee teenager, somehow wrapped up in this seedy world, who wants to save her, even if he can't get an erection while they're fucking and even if he isn't sure why he wants to help her.


The human body is the most often photographed subject in cinema, so when a director manages to find ways to make it look newly erotic, alien, and exciting, it’s tough not to stand up and take notice of the achievement. Set primarily in a derelict Eastern European hotel, La Vie Nouvelle (A New Life) aims to approximate a state of mind in which an individual’s senses become overwhelmed to the point where they begin blanking out. In pushing his characters to such extremes though sexual, emotional, and chemical means, the director creates a style in which his experimental visual and aural flourishes have as much narrative justification as anything else in the film. By switching film stocks, allowing the camera’s focus to lapse, and putting his camera so close to his actors that it becomes wholly complicit with the cast in delivering the emotion in their performances, Grandrieux creates a tactile, inescapably immediate atmosphere. [...]

I don’t know that my words can do justice to some of the thrills that exist here, because they hit on some twisted nerves. For example, there’s something morbidly beautiful as Grandrieux snuffs out the sound of a rape victim’s scream. It’s a morally suspect moment, but the aesthetics are undeniably pleasing, perhaps because it’s such a satisfying approximation of the internalized horror that I described above. Similarly, the film’s most stunning set piece, perhaps the best of all filmed rave sequences, internalizes the rhythm of the music and just offers flashes of comprehension amid the rapture and rupture that’s occurring in the dancer’s mind as she spins. The shaky camerawork puts the audience next to the characters, and they’re degraded people, but to spend time in such close proximity to them is illuminating, especially since the director never for a moment makes their life look attractive. [...]

Because the subject matter of the film is unremittingly bleak, the majority of the pleasure for most viewers will likely be derived from decoding these beguiling visuals and the thrill of not knowing what Grandrieux will come up with next. There are definite points being made here about human nature and the different forms of physical and mental dislocation, but they’re about as hard won as they come, and it’s up to the sheer, surprising beauty to carry the film. The biggest saving grace and artistic defense here is the film’s relative purity of language, composition, and mode of attack. Whatever La Vie Nouvelle might be, it’s undeniably representative of a unique vision, and as such a valuable film.
Imagine an elephant with the flu. One sneeze and it breaks it's bloody neck - Fukkatsu no hi AKA Virus (1980)

#33 Lord Beef Jerky 9 år siden

Alright, tak! Den må jeg få set!
"Avatar blev skrevet flere år før Pocahontas, og dermed (forhåbentlig indlysende) også før Irak krigen"

#34 The-new-meister 9 år siden

- The Conjuring
- Antichrist
- A Tale of two sisters
- Eden Lake
- Insidious


- The Crazies
- Wolf Creek
- Sinister

#35 Thomsen 9 år siden

HonoDelLoce (31) skrev:

Tak :)

[Rec] er en af de film, jeg længe har anet, jeg bør se, men aldrig har fået taget mig sammen til rent faktisk at få set. Må jeg heller få lavet om på.

Jeg fik lige set Banshee Chapter på canadisk Netflix, og den vil jeg egentligt også gerne anbefale. Den kan nok bedst beskrives som en slags low-budget/ found footage-pendant til Lovecraft-filmatiseringen From Beyond (som den også refererer direkte til). Slutningen er irriterende, og skuespillet heller ikke altid lige overbevisende, men den har alligevel noget over sig.

#36 mrF0x 9 år siden

På baggrund af anbefalingen med Sinister.. Vil jeg varmt anbefale den... Af moderne booh film mangler jeg stadigvæk en del, men indtil videre må det være:

1. The Conjouring
2. Sinister

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