“Scrubs” er en glimrende komedieserie der kan anbefales til alle fans af genren. Første sæson giver bestemt lyst til at se mere til JD og co.

Dvd-udgivelsen er over middel uden at være fremragende.

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#11 elwood 18 år siden

John C. McGinley Aka. Dr. Cox all the way

[to an annoying patient]
Dr. Cox: Okay, think of what little patience I have as, oh, I don't know, your virginity. You always thought it would be there, until that night Junior Year when you were feeling a little down about yourself and your pal Kevin, who just wanted to be friends, well, he dropped by and he brought a copy of About Last Night and a four-pack of Bartels & James and woo hoo hoo, it was gone forever - just like my patience is now.

Jill Tracy: So you do scary little speeches. How adorable

Flink mand 8-)
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots."
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"

#12 DarkLight 18 år siden

Mine favorit-rants:
Dr. Cox: "I suppose I could riff a list of things I care as little about as our last week together. Let's see: low-carb diets, Michael Moore, the Republican National Convention, Kabbalah and all Kabbalah-related products, high definition TV, the Bush daughters, wireless hot spots, The O. C., the U.N., recycling, getting Punk'd, Danny Gans; the Latin Grammys, the real Grammys, Jeff the Wiggle that sleeps a lot, the Yankees payroll, the red states, the blue states, every hybrid car, every talk show host, everything on the planet, everything in the solar system, and everything that exists, past, present and future in all discovered and undiscovered dimensions. Oh, and Hugh Jackman."
JD: (Upset)"But... Hugh Jackman is Wolverine!"
Dr.Cox: "Let me go ahead and share alittle something special with you that i like to call Perry's perspective: one, if someone is standing in front of me in line at the coffee shop and can't decide what they want in the half hour it took to get to the register then i should be allowed to kill them; two, i am fairly sure that if they took porn off the internet, there would only be one website left and it would be called bring back the porn; three, and most importantly of all, the only way to be respected as a doctor and a man is to be an island, you are born alone, you damn sure die alone. isn't that right spike? the point is, and you might want to jot this down, only the weak need help"
This weekend will be filled with staring out of windows while holding a glass of scotch.

#13 elwood 18 år siden

der også den, hvor det er JD's sidste dag som praktikiant, og han glad fortæller det til Dr. Cox, som herefter smadrer al den smule glæde JD havde over den nyhed.

Kan ikke lige finde den nogen steder desværre kan bare huske jeg synes den var ret sjov.

J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots."
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"

#14 DarkLight 18 år siden

Dr. Cox: Despite the fact that when you wake up tomorrow morning you will be a resident, you'll still be the same excitable little girl that you are right now; the only difference will be that some sorry new intern will probably mistake you for somebody who actually knows something.
This weekend will be filled with staring out of windows while holding a glass of scotch.

#15 DarkLight 18 år siden

Scrubs Scripts: Her
This weekend will be filled with staring out of windows while holding a glass of scotch.

#16 darkwizat 18 år siden

super fed comedy serie har både sæson 1 og 2 og ser frem til 3.

#17 filmz-j.o.r.p. 18 år siden

Nogen der egentlig ved om der kommer flere afsnit? For den kan da ikke slutte sådan som den gør!
Serien er for fed og dr. Cox styre!
Dr. Cox: I will not leave until you start chanting my name...!

#18 DarkLight 18 år siden

Der kommer flere afsnit. Scrubs er, af en eller anden grund, backup-serie i denne sæson.
This weekend will be filled with staring out of windows while holding a glass of scotch.

#19 filmz-michaell 18 år siden

Serien er fuldt med totalt fede one-liners, især fra Dr. Cox (John McGinley), der er mesteren i metaforiske og onde taler som f.eks.

And thats when you find out that that pretty little girl you married isn't a pretty little girl at all. No, she's a man eater. And I'm not talking about the "whoa here she comes" kind of man eater, I'm talking about the kind that uses your dignity as a dish towel to wipe up any shreds of manhood that might be stuck inside the sink.

Jeg elsker også Dr. Kelso (Ken Jenkins)

Dr. Dorian, I owe you an apology. Obviously I was unclear when I said, "Stay in the MRI room with that patient", it must have sounded like, "Leave and do other things"

Sæson 5 kommer... Engang i december eller januar og det er den sidste sæson de har kontrakt på med NBC, men det kan være en anden kanal vælger at tage serien til sig.
Jeg tror dog ikke der kommer en sjette sæson hvis de bliver overset af Emmy-panelet igen!
A slavish concern for the composition of words is the sign of a bankrupt intellect. Be gone, odious wasp! You smell of decayed syllables

#20 filmz-Kadann 18 år siden

Kelso er klart den hårdeste.. Cox og Janitor har tider hvor de viser at de virkelig er flinke, hvor Kelso bare er rendyrket ondskab 95% af tiden. :)
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