• Nej, det er brud på ophavsretten og ulovligt.
  • Ja selvfølgelig, det ville være dumt andet.
  • Jeg gjorde engang men jeg er holdt op.
  • Det sker, men jeg er ikke stolt af det.

Stemmer i alt: 1695

Der kan ikke længere stemmes i denne afstemning


#1 filmz-Kaffekongen 19 år siden

Nogen gange kan man ikke vente.... Var f.eks. nød til at hente Extras i takt med det blev vist i England. Men køber dem stadig på dvd.
Hail to the King, baby! -Ash
billed af dvd-samling: http://www.absolute.cc/_borders/23_20a.jpg

#2 noget 19 år siden

Jeg downloader aldrig film, men det sker jeg downloader serier, for der går for det meste lang tid før de kommer danmark. Ville ikke vente på "My name is Earl". Super fed serie.

#3 travelogue 19 år siden

Downloader ofte serier da jeg syntes at udbuddet af amerikanske og engelke serier er meget ringe i Danmark. Ikke at jeg ønsker at sendefladen skal overplastres af dem, men bare at de udskiftede alle de dårlige og halvdårlige o i øvrigt meget gamle, serier der køre i dansk tv med nogle ordentligte nye. Jeg køber dem iøvrigt også på dvd hvis det er en rigtigt god serie. Som fx the 4400 der dog også kommer i dansk tv, hvilket alt andet også havde været en skandale.

#4 nostromo 19 år siden

Some say it is illegal to download Series.

Well I guess it is, but then, what is the chance that you'll ever see series such as Monk (USA networks) Kojak (2005), Invasion, Surface, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica and Farscape to name a few. If we cannot get them and they don't tell us where to buy them. Well, in that case, I am not surprised that people download them. In fact I believe it helps the companies to ensure those who watch it, will eventually buy the DVD box set. I collect sci fi box sets so I don't see a problem, in getting them sooner.

"My grand Idea" by Me

That is why I proposed not long ago, a method where viewers can download the series episode they wish to see. Naturally it will be encoded like so much out there (and like so much out there it will be broken) but it is only to make sure the companies show that they have done what they can to protect their products.

Here is the cool part. Are you a new member and say you like to see Stargate or what ever show it may be. Say you want to download it and see the newest episode (put online 3 days later in 3 different qualities), you can buy one episode for $5. That is cheap considering you get it in high HD quality if you wish. Low quality is $4. If you like to also get the Stargate Atlantis and Surface, you can get a discount on each episode till it only costs you 2 or 3 or 4 bucks a show.

Now imagine if you really love Stargate SG-1 and you are watching season 6! You have 22 episodes there, that would mean 22 x $5 and that is $110!!! (that is why you can get discounts on shows if you watch more.) Shows, can eventually cost you $110, now average viewers won't get them all, only when they miss out on one and this can enable them to download it onto their TiVo or other gadget. Where the ream money is, is with their overseas viewers and those who don't get the Sci Fi channel etc.

If, by the end of their shows season, they score almost 110 bucks on each customer they have (unless they have some who signed up for an entire show they get it for say $80 bucks) with all this money a BETTER and more satisfactory version of the DVD will make its way to their viewers. Here they have the chance to offer behind the scenes, audio commentaries etc, that they will not on their web page.

Now back to the $110 per season. Or $5 per episode, if you look at how much the Stargate SG-1 season 6 costs on DVD, you'll understand why this would mean big business for the companies. And the price for this box set is : $37.47!!!! AND THIS IS FOR A BOX SET FULL WITH EXTRAS!!!

Look here : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00015HVI8/104-37...

Or for you it would cost : Direkte link: http://www.axelmusic.dk/productDetails/02761690302...

Ok a show then costs only $1.7 and then you get a box with discs etc. the whole barn yard!! So if I say customers might pay $3-4 per episode even before it comes out on DVD. It is good for both parties...

Ok, so here is the thing where people will say : " oh well it is all nice but uh, how about those copy rights etc..." Well, all they have to do is sit down for a few hours and actually come up with a plan to do that before hand. This way, everything is signed and sealed. No problems...

Oh but then the others will say " how about censorship?" Well only people who can be certified of their age etc. can get an account online. If their credit card matches their age... Then by golly, come on in...

Am I dreaming or are they now actually thinking about it? All I got was a letter from 3 of the 6 companies I sent this proposal to..

They all more or less say,

"It is a fascinating thing and if iTunes could become a reality, perhaps this can do. But at the moment we are engaged in our own ways of bringing new and intuitive ways of reaching our viewers. We thank you for your recommendation and will contact you if we find your recommendation beneficial to our company."

In other words they more or less, said THANKS for this FREE idea.

Aaahhh, I don't know...

I just wouldn't mind to see it realized and to be honest, I kind of did it in a moment of weakness. I never EVER, thought that they would even write back to me. But they did and if, nothing else, I did my bid to offer a chance to be more flexible for their viewers. All of the sudden, a show is not deemed dead, like Firefly, when more than 27 million viewers are tuned in one way or another. Then keeping a show on the air all of the sudden will be easier and we would have a better chance to save and promote shows if they are in trouble.

In any case it was worth a try... If it happens, you'll know who came up with the idea...

It it won't then who cares... ;-)
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#5 nostromo 19 år siden

Holy Crap Monkey... Did I just write that?

I must be on drugs...

Sorry for all those suffering ADD people out there... ;-)

Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#6 vapor 19 år siden

Downloader en hel del serier som jeg ikke kan få adgang til fra de TV kanaler jeg har.
Desuden så kan jeg se et afsnit når jeg har lyst og uden reklame pauser.
Jeg køber gerne de serier og film som jeg godt kan lide så jeg har ikke den store dårlige samvittighed.
Har f.eks. lige købt S1 af Battlestar Galactica på DVD.

Tjek denne artikkel om alt det pirat download der har været omkring netop BSG:

#7 vapor 19 år siden

#4 Good read that. Check the link in my post above. I think its right up your alley. :)

#8 nostromo 19 år siden

Nice... Thanks for the praise and thank you for the link!

You know, I have to be honest, I too feel the very same way as you do about it.

I just put in an order on Battlestat Galactica Season 2.0. I hear it will have a longer directors cut of Pegasus (the cliff hanger in season 2). So I cannot wait and it will be out Dec. 20th!

Also, when we get a series we like we, contradictory to what most people believe, we DO support our series and we WILL buy them on DVDs... Hell we'll even fight for them if need be... I did that for Farscape... I was in the original crew of "Save Farscape". I wish I saw Firefly sooner, so I could have rallied up the old crew to save that show too. But then again it was Fox and not Sci Fi... BIG DIFFERENCE!!

Do you know anything about the Danish laws on downloading TV shows? And what Cybercity.dk has as a policy on that? My girlfriends brother is downloading like crazy and whenever I visit them, I never miss a beat from the shows I used to see back home. ( I have digital dish, that picks up Sci Fi etc.) Sci Fi friday was great now it is crap like surface and Invasion...

I just want to tell the kid if he is in any risk, that he shouldn't do it for my sake...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#9 filmz-mader 19 år siden

Hvad handler Battlestar Galactica om?? Ved at showet var en stor inspirationskilde for bl.a futurama hvilket resulterede i en del referencer til serien...
You talking to me!!!

#10 filmz-Kadann 19 år siden

#9 -

Grundhistorien i begge serier er at menneskeheden bliver angrebet af en race af maskiner, Cylons, som udrydder størstedelen af menneskeheden, samt det meste af menneskets militærmagt. Den eneste overlevende del af militæret der er tilbage, er et slagskib (Battlestar) ved navn Galactica. Omkring Galactica formes en konvoy af skibe, som huser de overlevende, som nu går på jagt på den sidste koloni af menneskeheden som myter og historie fortæller findes: Jorden.
http://www.modkraft.dk - http://www.ungeren.dk - http://www.christiania.org

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