Så har Warner Bros. udsendt den nye officielle trailer til “Harry Potter og halvblodsprinsen”, den kommende sjette film i den populære franchise om den bebrillede troldmandslærling. Traileren kan ses hos Moviefone, hvor den indtil videre kun er tilgængelig i HD.

“Halvblodsprinsen” omhandler Harrys sjette år på Hogwarts-skolen, der ikke længere er det sikre tilflugtssted, det engang var, da Voldemort har indskærpet sit greb på både troldmands- og muggleverdenen.

Harry kommer i mellemtiden i besiddelse af en gammel bog, der har tilhørt den selvudnævnte ‘Halvblodsprins’. Gennem studier hos Dumbledore må Harry dykke ned i den gamle troldmands minder og derved langsomt lære mere om Lord Voldemorts hemmelige fortid, samtidig med at han bliver forberedt på en afgørende kamp, der nærmer sig med hastige skridt.

Filmen instrueres af David Yates og vil få premiere 21. november.

Vis kommentarer (27)

#11 filmz-ChesterB 15 år siden

jeg var også enormt skuffet over nr. 5 og blev meget irriteret da det kom frem at det den altid ulidelige david yates der skulle stå for de to (tre) sidste :( efter nr. 5 er mine forventninger meget små. men nu har jeg set traileren, og desværre er mine forventninger steget en smule. håber ikke at de bliver skuffet! men skal da klart ses! :) og så synes jeg også det er meget nice at de ikke lægger al fokus på Potter igen, for man kan altså godt blive en smule træt af hele tiden at se på ham. hvem har egentlig lavet musik til denne? Forhåbentlig Patrick Doyle eller John Williams? sikkert ikke :(
forfeit the game stop the talkshow pride up the what your time to know
forfeit the game cuz tomorrow
when it's all done you read what you sow

#12 blahblah 15 år siden

It's not relevant to the story, and that's why it's not mentioned anywhere in any of the books or films.

The producers wanted to give Dumbledore a girlfriend, and Rowling said "Oh, you can't do that, he's gay." And that leaked. That's how we know.

Shouldn't be a negative thing that Rowling know her characters well.

#13 Riqon 15 år siden

#12 - Bortset fra forholdet mellem Dumbledore og Grindelwald.. men nej, det fremgår ikke af bøgerne (men det bidrager alligevel lidt til historien at vide).
The only way to beat a troll is to not play their game.

#14 nostromo 15 år siden

# 11

Sorry, John Williams is off Harry Potter for good. Patrick did a decent job on the score, but nothing too spectacular.

It's Probably Wendy Carlos... if you know who she is, you're laughing right now. ;)
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#15 nostromo 15 år siden


Thanks... I didn't know that... how interesting. Though I don't think it's appropriate but then she's British and it's the whole PC thing...

To be honest, I think the new Dumbledore is kind of gay in that spooky pedophiliac way.

Nobody could ever replace the original Dumbledore... at least not for me. He was amazing in that role it was just perfect.

I was recently in the UK and they were showing off some new short story J.K wrote about Harry Potter or in that universe anyway. It was auctioned off for the highest bidder that went to some charity.

I don't know what that was about though.
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#16 Michael Andersen 15 år siden

#11 Det er igen Nicholas Hooper, der laver musikken. John Williams har udtalt at han gerne vil vende tilbage til Potter, når den sidste bog bliver filmatiseret, hvis det altså passer ind i hans skema osv.
Smile, you son of a bitch!

#17 filmz-ChesterB 15 år siden


according to what I heard, it was not when the producers asked for a girlfriend for dumbledore, and JK said "oh, he's gay." according to what I heard it was when a fan asked about if dumbledore had ever been in love, when JK replied " yeah, he is gay!" :P but I don't know whether that is true :P
forfeit the game stop the talkshow pride up the what your time to know
forfeit the game cuz tomorrow
when it's all done you read what you sow

#18 filmz-Bruce 15 år siden

Lidt om historien i Newsweek
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#19 Michael Andersen 15 år siden

#12 og #17 Hvorfor skriver I på engelsk? nostromo er her jo for at træne/lære dansk :)
Smile, you son of a bitch!

#20 nostromo 15 år siden

For those of you who wish to keep up with Mr. Williams on his work and concerts this place is the best :


Well after looking into the whole gay issue, some british papers wrote that story about a kid asking and she told her he was gay. But then, who knows, perhaps both stories are true...

I wish Williams will make another Superman / Star Wars Originals score on some new movie... preferably the FOUNDATION! But it probably won't happen.
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

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