Det er tidligere blevet annonceret, at Lucasfilm er i gang med at lave en ny computeranimeret serie, der tager udgangspunkt i klonkrigene fra “Star Wars” filmene.

Der er dog nu opstået tvivl om denne animationsserie vil komme på tv i den nærmeste fremtid. Det viser sig nemlig, at George Lucas har fået problemer med at få serien afsat til et tv-netværk, der vil vise den.

Der er pt. færdiggjort 40 af de i alt 100 planlagte afsnit, og instruktøren fortæller om problemet for aftagerne: ”De ved ikke, hvordan de skal programsætte serien, fordi den falder uden for de rammer, vi kender fra tv-tegneserier. ‘Clone Wars’ er hverken kun for børn eller kun for voksne,” fortæller Lucas.

Vis kommentarer (22)

#11 filmz-theassociate 16 år siden

Jeg synes lidt TV2 har blæst det her op til et "problem". Lucas nævner i interviewet på, at det bliver en udfordring at sætte et tidspunkt at vise serien på, i og med det er en animationsserie. Ikke at tv-selskaberne ikke er uinteresserede i den. Det tror jeg tværtimod er tilfældet. Døm selv:

#12 nostromo 16 år siden

I seriously don't give a wompa's ass if we don't get any more Star Wars from Lucas...

Give it to someone unknown who's got amazing talent, or someone who's GOT talent to turn shit into gold...

I love Star Wars more than I can express... But the new Star Wars for me is total and utter shit. Not even in the same ball park! So much has been ruined for me with these new ones, that I have a hard time remembering they actually belong to each other...

Yeah it's bad...

So... again... I'll say what I said about Star Trek...

Let it die before we can revive it as anything new and exciting... People need to forget it for a while and let it come back like it's never been seen before...

How is that possible? Hmmm, well idiots in the US can take a degree in Hawaii in Klingon, I presume they have one in Star Wars too. Let the entire Star Wars community gather together and submit 2 things. 1) One thing they loved above all else about the Star Wars Saga (Films), then 2) let them give ONE suggestion to what they want to see.

Let it grow like Lord of the Rings did during the creation of the series.

Personally, I see Greed in Paramounts Star Trek re-envisioning and it may end badly. But it may also be an incredible hit.

Time will tell...

With such a big universe that's been crafted in the realm of Star Wars, I don't understand why we can't see new stories...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#13 BN 16 år siden

#12 - nostromo:

I can't quite follow you.

The new Star Wars films are the ones that made the whole thing a whole lot more interesting. Let's face it: Without Episode 5, episode 4 would just be a very naive and light story and not half as interesting! It's the darkness and the twist of the story in "The Empire Strikes Back", that kind of lifts it's predecessor, Episode 4, up and makes the characters in it interesting. The fact that we're told more things of the past, also helps a lot. ... But even with Episode 5 it's like there's something missing in the story - and it has got to do with the past events, which are the motivation for the characters and the actual reason for their journey and theirs actions.

That's why the 3 so-called prequels have the same elevating and improving effect as Episode 5: now we know, what Obi-Wan, Yoda and Darth Vader are talking about in Episode 4, when they speak of the past. The things Obi-Wan tells Luke is no longer just some vague and strange story, that sounds like something taken out of the blue. After seing the Episodes 1-3 (especially "Revenge of the Sith") we now actually feel the dark side of the force in Episode 4, which we didn't before (cause it wasn't really present until Episode 5).

And there are other things that improves the experience of watching not only Episode 4, but also 5 and 6:

Now we have seen the old republic and the senate, that they speak so much about in Episode 4. In Episode 4 the republic and the senate still excist and are still active, though the senate is dissolved by the emperor within the first 30 or 40 minutes of the film. We never actually saw the senate, and the republic is a very vague thing - there is no scenes from any of the planets to give us any idea of the size of this republic.

The result of the prequels and the changes, that Lucas has made to the original trilogy, is better continuity, more harmony between the episodes and marked improvements to the history (more depth), the visual effects, the pictures and the sound.

In the original versions of the three movies, we did not see Ian McDiarmid (who plays the emperor) until Episode 6. In the 2004-edition Lucas has put him into the scene, where Vader speaks to the hologram of the emperor.

#14 filmz-Kadann 16 år siden

#13 -

nostromo forstår nu ganske udmærket dansk. - -

#15 filmz-Road Runner 16 år siden

Skrot "Dans med Svansen" og "Skidt med sangen" hver fredag, og lad os så se Star Wars ;)... Er det ikke kl 20 alle de der ringe programmer kommer ?...

#16 BN 16 år siden


does han das? ;-)

#17 filmz-Kadann 16 år siden

On topic..

Tja, selvom jeg synes at tegnefilmene fra Cartoon Network er glimrende underholdning, så rører denne nyhed mig ikke alverden, da jeg er en kende træt af Lucas' tilgang til sit materiale og sin fanbase.

Kommer skidtet, så giver jeg det sikkert et kig, gør det ikke.. tja, who cares?

Jeg gider ikke engang at holde vejret mht. Star Wars på HD, da Lucas sikkert skal have fat i Photoshop endnu en gang og sikkert nægter at udgive biografudgaverne af den oprindelige trilogi, eller bare giver os endnu en halvhjertet udgivelse. - -

#18 enfilmnørd 16 år siden

Glæder mig lidt til at se hvad serien har at byde på, men syntes også det lyder lidt underligt at man ikke ved hvornår man skal sende serien. Tror også det er et spørgsmål om, at serien er for dyr.
"Guuump! Whats your sole purpose in this army?"
"To do whatever you tell me drill sergeant!"
"God dammit, Gump! You a god damn genius.

#19 myggen 16 år siden

Slightly on-topic:

Hvad med live-action serien, er der noget nyt om den?
Kværulant extraordinaire

#20 Outbound Sith 16 år siden

#6 Good one! ;)

#11 Helt enig! Der er ikke nogen historie. Faktisk synes jeg, det er lidt under Filmz's værdighed at hente den slags tvivlsomme historier fra TV2 VIP eller for den sags skyld TV" Gossip. De er ligeså troværdige som National Enquirer...
"Let's just say I wanna believe."
Fox Mulder

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