Det kan være en smule svært at udpege kernepublikummet til en film som “The Grandmaster”, der vil så utroligt mange ting. Er man indforstået med filmens haltende narrativ, så er filmen en usædvanlig sanseoplevelse, der sjældent ses så gennemført som her. Er man inkarneret kung fu-fan, kan det stærkt anbefales at være opmærksom på Kar Wais tidligere film for at få justeret forventningsniveauet en smule – selvom jeg dog kan love en ordentlig omgang falsk regn til at akkompagnere filmens første (og noget umotiverede) kampscene.

Læs hele anmeldelsen her


#1 rockysds 10 år siden

Hvilket cut er det, der bliver vist i danske biografer?
Hong Kong-cuttet, Berlin-udgaven, Weinstein eller noget helt fjerde?
There was no bullshit, no arty pretensions. "Doug," he'd say when we were doing Written on the Wind, "Give me some bosom."

#2 The Insider 10 år siden

Uha, godt spørgsmål. Skriv evt. til distributøren:
War. War never changes.

#3 Kviesgaard 10 år siden

Kan det godt passe, at filmen kun går i nogle få biografer herhjemme? Synes ikke lige, at jeg kan se den i min lokale biocenter:
Den Jyske Marvel-fan. Oh Yeah

#4 Highland Park 10 år siden

#3: Nærmeste sted må være Århus-biograferne Øst for Paradis & Metropol.
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#5 Kviesgaard 10 år siden


Sacré Bleu!
Den Jyske Marvel-fan. Oh Yeah

#6 Highland Park 10 år siden

#5: Velbekomme. :)

#1: Godt spørgsmål - Jeg hader Weinstein af et godt hjerte for deres konsekvente skamklipning af asiatiske film, men jeg regner stærkt med, at der er tale om Berlinale-udgaven, for både SF's svenske afdeling & Medierådet angiver spilletiden til det samme som den nemlig 123 min.
Desuden har SF Film ikke benyttet sig af nogen af de 3 vederstyggelige Weinstein-trailere til deres promovering af filmen (komplet med malplaceret amerikansk voice-over, RZA-rap etc.) (sådan som eks. Nordisk Film i sin tid gjorde, da de reklamerede for Weinsteins internationale udgave af "Fearless").

Selv har Kar-wai følgende at sige om de forskellige udgaver: skrev:
On this coming Friday, my newest film, THE GRANDMASTER, will be released in the U.S. This is actually the third incarnation of the film, which we shot in 22 months over the course of 3 years. While each of our previous international debuts was thrilling, I'm very proud of the latest version that will be screened in American theaters. Perhaps not surprisingly, people have asked me about the reasoning behind re-editing the film, questioning why I chose to alter it from earlier iterations.

As a filmmaker, let me say that the luxury of creating a new cut for U.S. audiences was the opportunity to reshape it into something different than what I began with -- a chance one doesn't always get as a director and an undertaking much more meaningful than simply making something shorter or longer. The original version of THE GRANDMASTER is about 2 hours, 10 minutes. Why not 2 hours, 9 minutes or 2 hours, 11 minutes? To me, the structure of a movie is like a clock or a prized watch -- it's about precision and perfect balance.

We always knew that we wanted to have a U.S. version that was a bit tighter and that helped clarify the complex historical context of this particular era in Chinese history, focusing further on the journeys of Ip Man and Gong Er. While the previous version was more chronological, adding narration and captions to explain certain plot points gave us the freedom to bring more life to moments in the characters' stories. I also aimed to enhance the audience's understanding of the challenges faced between North and South, especially during the Japanese invasion.

All that being said, I was never interested in telling a watered down version of THE GRANDMASTER in the U.S., or just trimming to cut back minutes -- it had to be a creative, sharp and honed vision. I was even able to add in substantial footage -- beautiful footage -- that was not in the original release. Ultimately, I worked to envision the most perfect clock or the essence of marital arts itself; it is all about precision and balance.
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#7 McPeter 10 år siden

Rigtig god anmeldelse - jeg er meget enig i betragtningerne.
Enkelt-scenerne fungerer rigtig godt, men den samlede oplevelse er noget fragmenteret. Men alt i alt var det en spændende oplevelse at se den.
Mit film site:

#8 Highland Park 10 år siden

Det er den internationale udgave (altså førnævnte Berlinale-udgave) (såfremt der kun findes de 3), der vises herhjemme. Den varer ganske rigtigt ca. 123 min. og rummer adskillige af de scener, som ifølge denne sammenligning mellem henholdsvis den kinesiske (130 min.) og den amerikanske udgave (108 min.) ikke er med i sidstnævnte.

Yderligere info om den internationale udgave: skrev:
The "international" version, premiered on 7 Feb 2013 as the Berlin Film Festival's opening movie, runs seven minutes shorter, with several deletions and additions plus minor structural changes that don't, on balance, significantly improve the film. The most notable deletion is
a beautifully written, irreal scene (already famous for its theatrical lighting of a cigarette) in which Zhao Benshan's character meets Tony Leung's in Hong Kong, establishing a connection between the two and questioning the former's basic attitudes towards martial arts. Equally sad is the loss of actor SHANG Tielong 尚鐵龍's final scene in which he gives Leung's character a box with some of Zhang Ziyi's hair inside. Other deletions are unimportant trims, plus a shorter version of Ye Wen's induction as a child that has now been moved from the front to the back of the movie.

Of the additions, Chang Chen's character is given one short, wordless extra scene — prior to his meeting with his former KMT colleagues — in which he and Zhang's character turn up separately in a Hong Kong restaurant, but he still remains a shadowy figure and dramatically redundant to the film as its stands at present. The strongest addition is a much longer version of Zhang's flashback memories of her youth, strengthening the martial-arts relationship between her and her father.

The most jolting addition is a rapidly cut, rough-and-tumble fight sequence spliced into the middle of the end credits, with a quote (in English only) from Bruce Lee, which not only destroys the film's melancholic finish but looks like a clumsy attempt to attract international audiences with a mention of Lee's name. Until Wong produces a Redux version of, say, around three hours, The Grandmaster will still remain a magnificent torso of a potentially much greater movie.

& skrev:
Bob Violence (signed in using Hotmail)
Worth mentioning that some of these changes were already made to the "international" version that premiered at the Berlin festival and opened in France, Germany, Japan, and various other non-Chinese markets. That version is less of a radical alteration (it runs 122 minutes and retains most of the Zhang Ziyi and Chang Chen material), but it appears most of the changes were carried over to the U.S. cut--
moving Yip's childhood flashback from the beginning to the end, deleting Shang Tielong's last scene (the delivery of Gong Er's hair), adding some explanatory captions, extending Gong Er's final scene, and the modified "Bruce Lee" ending.
This version comes out on Blu-ray in France next month if anyone's interested in comparing.
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#9 rockysds 10 år siden

#8 Tak for info. Skrev til SF Film, men har ikke hørt fra dem endnu. Jeg har bestilt HK-blu-rayen hjem og regner med at se den først, for derefter at tage ind og se den i biografen - og så formentlig se Weinstein-udgaven på et senere tidspunkt efter udgivelsen af den amerikanske blu-ray. Fun stuff!
There was no bullshit, no arty pretensions. "Doug," he'd say when we were doing Written on the Wind, "Give me some bosom."

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