“What the Bleep Do We Know!?” minder mest af alt om gymnasialt undervisningsmateriale til filosofiundervisningen eller et nyt tiltag til Planetariets filmrepertoire. Forsøget på at blande fakta og fiktion er som udgangspunkt en interessant idé, og at forsøge at forklare kvantefysikkens komplicerede teorier via fiktionsfilmens hjælpende hånd er uden tvivl et prisværdigt projekt, men når man taber både publikum og fortælling på gulvet, så kan resultatet langt fra betragtes som vellykket.

Læs hele anmeldelsen her


#1 filmz-Hytzon 17 år siden

Vurdering 2/5 rammer meget godt. Jeg er enig med anmelderen om at dette er noget af en rodet udgivelse, hele historien om den døve kvinde er latterlig og direkte irriterende.

Jeg mener dog ikke at man bliver oversvømmmet med informationer, men snarere at der er alt for få. Da jeg så denne DVD troede jeg at den var lidt mere avanceret end alt det discovery "science" der bliver sendt i dag. Efter hvert interview sad jeg og manglede flere informationer og noget der ligner reelle ligninger. Det stod mig bagefter klart at denne DVD var ment som et alment consumer produkt og derfor ikke kan indholde disse ting, men den fejler som sagt både mine forhåbninger og det den forsøger på.

Nå men så er det jo heldigt man kan finde mere interessante interviews osv. på nettet omkring kvantemekanik :)
En sjov lille en er denne Quantum animation som jeg faktisk troede var med i filmen.

#2 filmz-Angel Eyes 17 år siden

En film der lykkes lidt bedre med sit forehavende (eller i hvert fald imo er mere fængende) er Linklaters "Waking Life", hvis filosofiske diskussioner er indkapslet i rammen af en drøm...far out, dude! ;)
Min dvd-samling: http://www.invelos.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Nikolai%20Schulz

#3 duuk74 17 år siden

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0499596/ Lader til at det er denneher version (2006) af "What the bleep.." man skal ha fat i stedet.
100.000 lemmings can't be wrong

#4 dyg 17 år siden

#2 - Ja, Waking Life er en fed lille film.
"Og hvem vil ikke gerne guffe Klaus Kinski??" - evermind

#5 nostromo 17 år siden

Quantum physics isn't portrayed well in this movie. Or in other words, it is not given the attention it needs.

The side story with Amanda is the worst of all, it is suffocating to the point you want to just turn it all off...

They for some reason split two very different physics into one big bowl of chaos.

The talk about quantum physics is good, but the one about our perception and those damn animations that show how our brain works is just utterly childish.

It goes from serious topics to child like and quite pointless arguments.

The balance of it all is just out of whack. There is a 5 disc edition out there, with more emphasis on quantum physics and less on the human brain and perception which sadly wasn't very well depicted in this movie.

The Amanda story drove me insane, and I soon lost interest. With that fat eastern european woman who sounded more like a palm reader than a scientist didn't help. Marlee the actress playing Amanda was deplorable and boring. It made you go from serious to ridicules.

All in all I give it 3 out of 6 stars, because it bares an important informational package about quantum physics.

In the original cut the movie wasn't very long (too long with this Amanda story) and didn't give too much about quantum physics. Now taken to account that there is an extended cut with more discussions about this from scientists on the special edition that comes in 2-3-4 and a 5 disc addition (UK edition)... One has to ask them selves...

What was it that they missed out in, on the original cut? And how much more can you take to see a longer story about Amanda?

Watch it : for the sake of the small but not very good segment about quantum physics, cause it does hint at what it really is...

Don't watch it : if you know something about quantum physics and don't want to be bothered by childish animation and bad acting...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#6 nostromo 17 år siden

For those interested in the 5 disc edition...

Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#7 nostromo 17 år siden

See this is the woman in the movie that made me think this entire thing was a dud...


Omit her and I am happy... Oh and Merlee
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

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