John Williams, der skrev musikken til den første og tredje “Harry Potter”-film og delte opgaven med William Ross i forbindelse med den anden film, har pga. manglende plads i arbejdskalenderen meddelt, at han ikke kan skrive musikken til “Harry Potter og Flammernes Pokal”.

Opgaven bliver i stedet overtaget af Patrick Doyle (“Henry V”, “Gosford Park”), som tidligere har samarbejdet med filmens instruktør Mike Newell i forbindelse med filmene “Into the West” og “Donnie Brasco”.

“Harry Potter og Flammernes Pokal” får premiere i slutningen af 2005.

Vis kommentarer (27)

#11 filmz-Professor X 19 år siden

#8. I understand your frustration, I myself am American, though I have lived my whole life in Denmark. It really is a nice country, eventhough some people can be extreamly hostile towards foreigners, but that have also changed alot during the years.

Men velkommen til Danmark, and enjoy all the hot Scandinavian chicks. :-)

#12 PredatorX 19 år siden


Skitzos are never alone... You can see why someone would be confused... So what's up with --? : you call we kill

#13 filmz-nostromo-- 19 år siden

Danish people are funny

#14 nostromo 19 år siden

Professor X!!! You wouldn't happen to be a professor in Danish eh? ;-) I kinda need one... I envy you for being able to write Danish... Still, on my keyboard, I have no found AA AE ö...

And JanniKand, thanks for your kindness... I appreciate it... Will follow your wisdom...

Thanks you guys, So how cold does it get in Denmark during winter? I would not mind getting some snow on Christmas...

By the way, Professor X, where from the States do you come from? My grandpa is from California.
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#15 filmz-Professor X 19 år siden

#14 my mom is from California too. Sorry I'm no Danish professor.

Some winters there's alot of snow, sometimes nothing. Maybe if we're lucky we'll get some this year.

#16 nostromo 19 år siden

Yes, Danish chicks are HOT! Man those tits... MAN!! Why did you have to make me think of that!! Now that is all I think about... And I have a meeting in 2 hours with a Japanese firm... crap!
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#17 maniac 19 år siden

Til Admin: Bør en profil som #6/#13's, der bare er oprettet for at chikanere en anden bruger, slettes??

Jeg syntes i al fald det er noget svineri...

#18 filmz-Professor X 19 år siden

I'm happy to be of some service. :-) The summertime is unbelieveable, those mini skirts...And at the beach they walk around topless.

#19 filmz-Professor X 19 år siden

#17 helt enig, men sådan nogle mennesker vil der altid være går jeg ud fra. Der er ihvertfald massere af dem på

#20 maniac 19 år siden

#19 ja, sådan var jeg osse selv da jeg var 10 år ;)

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