John Williams, der skrev musikken til den første og tredje “Harry Potter”-film og delte opgaven med William Ross i forbindelse med den anden film, har pga. manglende plads i arbejdskalenderen meddelt, at han ikke kan skrive musikken til “Harry Potter og Flammernes Pokal”.

Opgaven bliver i stedet overtaget af Patrick Doyle (“Henry V”, “Gosford Park”), som tidligere har samarbejdet med filmens instruktør Mike Newell i forbindelse med filmene “Into the West” og “Donnie Brasco”.

“Harry Potter og Flammernes Pokal” får premiere i slutningen af 2005.

Vis kommentarer (27)

#21 Michael Andersen 19 år siden

#17 Jo, det er for plat, og nostromo-- som jagter nostromo er hermed blevet slettet. Vi ved også hvem forbryderen er, og fortsætter han chikanerierne, bliver også han slettet.
Smile, you son of a bitch!

#22 filmz-philadelphia_eagles 19 år siden

#21 vil bare lige sige: GODT ARBEJDE!!!
Kloge ord:
"Det er altid de sidste man skal vente på".

#23 nakalay 19 år siden

#21 Kom så, afslør hvem det er! ;)
We've got chicken tonight. Strangest damn things. They're man made.

#24 Michael Andersen 19 år siden

#22 Tak :)

#23 Naaah! Der er ingen grund til at starte en krig ;)
Smile, you son of a bitch!

#25 nostromo 19 år siden


Unless my "Universal Translator" is broke, from what I understand in the last few posts, is that, this guy who has been on my case for some time is now, gone?

Thank you so much, I appreciate it. Wow, what a nice community!!! You are all fantastic, thanks!!!!

Ahh, finally Peace... And quiet...

Thanks all of you...

PS. I just finished watching THX-1138. The new version sure does it justice. For the first time, I can see and understand the newly added scenes and the use of CGI. This movie was in need of it. The entire movie is so much better now... And the first version was quit difficult to see... I think I will see the making of, to see what else I might have missed...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#26 PredatorX 19 år siden

And by Universal Translator you mean a fish in your ear? : you call we kill

#27 nostromo 19 år siden

Oh so that is what it was??? Thank goodness for that guide... 8-)
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

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