De seneste par uger har der været rygter om, hvem der skulle overtage instruktørrollen på den 24. film om James Bond, da “Skyfall”-instruktør Sam Mendes meldte fra på grund af involvering i to teaterforestillinger. Nu ser det dog ud til, at Mendes alligevel vender tilbage.

Se også: Shane Black, Nicolas Winding Refn og Tom Hooper overvejes til næste Bond.

Ifølge hjemmesiden Showbiz411 skulle det være officielt, at Mendes vender tilbage som instruktør på “Bond 24”, og at han tilsyneladende også er på tale til film nr. 25. Sony Pictures har dog endnu hverken be- eller afkræftet dette.

Foruden Mendes vender Daniel Craig tilbage som Bond både i den 24. og 25. film, mens Judi Dench også forventes tilbage som M. Der har derudover været snak om, at både Ralph Fiennes, Ben Whishaw og Naomie Harris fra “Skyfall” også forventes tilbage.

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Vis kommentarer (12)

#11 BN 10 år siden

Hr. Nielsen (8) skrev:
Håber han forsætter ud af den sti, som han har lagt op til i slutningen af Skyfall dog (selv om jeg ved at BN ville hade dette;), så vi får et mere klassisk Bond-film eventyr:-D

Sam Mendes selv har afvist det med, at han skulle lave et mere klassisk Bond-filmeventyr med eksempelvis mere humor.

Journalisten: "You talk about the mischief of this. The first two movies moved really hard to making him dark and modern. Did you feel like you needed to right the wheel and drive it more back to the center of what Bond has been, with the quips and the humor?"

Sam Mendes: "I don't see it as bringing it back to the center. It's just what my taste is, and what Daniel's taste is. I think there's more to him than just a unibrow and a lot of running around and sweating and grunting. Bond is an interesting and complex character, and one of the reasons he's survived is that he's got a sense of humor and playfulness. And what the movies themselves did was remove pastiche, they took it away. The sense that he was winking at the audience a bit, that was taken away, and that made a big difference I think to the whole franchise. Now I think you're able to see a different aspect of Daniel as Bond, but it's not like he's doing a Roger Moore impersonation. And it's not like he's doing it out of context. I like to think the humor in the movie is situational, it's earned. We just tried to be alert to that when there were possible options for it."


#12 Hr. Nielsen 10 år siden

BN (11) skrev:
Sam Mendes selv har afvist det med, at han skulle lave et mere klassisk Bond-filmeventyr med eksempelvis mere humor.
Du kan jo bare kigge på mine to favoritter blandt Bond-filmene, så ved du hvad jeg mener:)
I have my principles - And if you don't like them, I have others

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