Vin Diesel, som tidligere på ugen blev kørt i stilling til at medvirke i den annoncerede “The Fast and the Furious 4”, skulle efter sigende være blandt topkandidaterne til at påtage sig en hovedrolle som dræbercyborg i den kommende “Terminator 4”.

For nogle år tilbage forlød det, at The Rock skulle være i betragtning til at være Arnold Schwarzeneggers afløser i en ny “Terminator”-film, hvilket dog viste sig at have løbet ud i sandet.

“Terminator 4”, der starter optagelser til næste år, er skrevet af Michael Ferris og John D. Brancato, der begge også stod for manuskriptet til “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines”. Handlingen udspiller sig i den post-apokalyptiske verden efter atomkrigen og maskinernes overtagelse, og skal angiveligt følge en ny frihedskæmpende helt under John Connors kyndige ledelse.

Diesels mulige medvirken i den fjerde og stadig unavngivne “Terminator”-film er endnu ikke bekræftet, og nyheden skal derfor stadig betragtes som værende på rygtebasis.

Vis kommentarer (32)

#21 Kram 16 år siden

#7 sagde det hele. Få nu Cameron bag roret, og lav en fantastisk mørk og dyster T4, af samme kaliber som T2. T3 var en latterlig standard Hollywood action film, overhovedet ikke mørk eller dyster som de foregående Terminator film, FØJ siger jeg bare...
If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?

#22 nostromo 16 år siden


Thank you mrghostface, you are right, I doubt they are really being careful of any continuity in these new Terminator movies or series.

I saw Sara Connor Chronicles and I have to say, it's rather weak not to mention quite pathetic at times.

The problem in that new series aside from John Connor being a pussy, and the whole idea of him being a leader just falls an inch short of a clown trying to put the fire that engulfed him with a pair or wet fish. Point is that the new series throws so many clichés at you that you are wondering if there is ANYTHING even remotely interesting or new in the new series.

They have TWO new terminators in the series, and the series begins on January 28th in the US, I saw a preview and if the movie has to follow ANY continuity it has to do so with the series in order to keep track of not destroying the main story.

The things that bothered me with the new series is that (Ok Summer Glau is hot but...) the new Terminator chick and dude are acting very normal and pretty much like humans till they GET FOUND OUT! See the moment they are discovered they start acting and moving like Robo-Fucking-Sapien.

I'm sorry but FOR ONCE!! Can't we get a robot that still act like a human even though we see his nuts and bolts?

aarrrgghhhh.... Hollywood has no logic...

Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#23 filmz-Center 16 år siden

det her skule være den ny Terminator Ralf Moeller

#24 Patriarch 16 år siden


Jeg regner med at de vil lade Connor udvikle sig over serien.
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

#25 filmz-Karlotus 16 år siden

Diesel og The Rock...nej tak, de har ikke den hårdhed der skal til som de tidligere actionstjerner, begge to er lettere fedladne I forhold til f.eks. Stallone og Arnold!

John Cena ville være et bedre bud:

Han har det rå udseende der skal til, for at bære rollen videre!

#26 filmz-saku 16 år siden

er det en vittighed at du finder endnu en wrestler frem?

#27 filmz-Karlotus 16 år siden

Nej...mange af de andre som Arnold er startet som Bodybuilder, ligesom the Rock startede som wrestler! Kan ikke helt se hvor joken ligger! Så luk kæften!!!

#28 filmz-bullettooth 16 år siden

fed tone...!!!! dårlig dag???
--------- for rent ---------

#29 DarkLight 16 år siden

Og sikkert et skuespil der kan ligge på en peanut.
This weekend will be filled with staring out of windows while holding a glass of scotch.

#30 mrghostface 16 år siden

#22 I'm suddenly very happy that I haven't seen anything from that series - it's sounds just as horrible as the Blade-series - and two new terminators? when will they learn?? every time i see or hear something like this, it just convinces me that much more that the average american is just as stupid as those you can watch on youtube, who can't name a real country starting with U. Because if those ppl who actually makes a living out of writing such lousy stories and screenplay can be that stupid, why not all of them. I'm not saying its the entire nation, that's stupid, but I fear that it's a big part of it.

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