"Top Gun"22%
"True Romance"16%
"Last Boy Scout"15%
"Enemy of the State"14%
"Man on Fire"14%
"Fjenden i dybet"8%
"Spy Game"5%
"Days of Thunder"3%
"Revenge - hævnens pris"0%
Stemmer i alt: 1175
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#51 chandler75 18 år siden
#52 davenport 18 år siden
#53 BN 18 år siden
God pointe! ;-)
..... Helt seriøst: jeg synes, de to "Babe Den Kække Gris"-film er er geniale eventyr.
#54 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden
#55 Yoda 18 år siden
#56 Silver666 18 år siden
#57 davenport 18 år siden
#58 filmz-herrond 18 år siden
#57 har du tænkt på at ginen måske kunne lægge til grund for at han fandt den så sjov? :P
#59 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden
"Babe" is a movie made with charm and wit, and unlike some family movies it does not condescend, not for a second. It believes it is OK to use words a child might not know, and to have performances that are the best available (James Cromwell, as the farmer, and Magda Szubanski, as his wife, are always convincing).
And instead of the usual contrived melodrama of most kids' pictures, this one develops a story that depends on the character and upbringing of the animals involved. It knows things, and teaches lessons. And it is so well made that adults will find it entertaining, too - maybe more than some kids, because they'll see the invention that went into it.
Muligvis ikke elitær kunst, men det passer isåfald ganske godt til en tråd om Tony Scotts film :)
#60 davenport 18 år siden