• "Happy Gilmore - Golfbanens skræk"
  • Livet er for kort til golffilm
  • "Tin Cup"
  • "Røven fuld af penge - Caddy Shack"
  • "The Legend of Bagger Vance"
  • "The Greatest Game Ever Played"
  • Anden golffilm
  • "Follow the Sun"
  • "Bobby Jones - Stroke of Genius"

Stemmer i alt: 1213

Der kan ikke længere stemmes i denne afstemning


#21 filmz-levis 18 år siden

Til helvede med golf.

#22 filmz-maxhh 18 år siden

Jeg stemte Tin Cup...

Faktisk er det, efter min ydmyge mening, en ganske udemærket lille feelgood film, med en overraskende sympatisk Kevin Costner, en altid dejlig Renee Russo (helt klart på min personlige top-fem liste over skønneste kvinder i denne verden), Don Johnson som skøn realistisk skiderik, og endelig Cheech Marin i en af hans bedste biroller nogensiden. Og så fraværet af den forventede hollywood slutning trak gevaldigt op i min samlede vudering...


"Anyway, there he was, poor chap. Happy as a lark and without a cent."

#23 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden

Helt klart ... Casablanca!

I recently watched, for the 20th or 30th time, the best golf movie ever made. Not "Caddyshack," although I'm a fan. And not "Tin Cup," in which Kevin Costner swings like a chicken and tucks his sweater into his pants. And not "Follow the Sun," in which Glenn Ford makes you believe that Ernest Borgnine (for example) would have made a better Ben Hogan. And definitely not "The Legend of Bagger Vance."

The all-time No. 1 golf movie was made in 1942 by Michael Curtiz. It's set in Morocco, and it stars Humphrey Bogart and Claude Rains. Ingrid Bergman is in it, too. It's called "Casablanca." Have you seen it?

"Casablanca" isn't only about golf. There's a long boring part at the beginning in which the Nazis make a lot of trouble, and various people sing various songs in Bogart's nightclub, and Bogart apparently has some sort of love affair with Bergman--although you never actually see them doing anything except talking to each other with their faces a quarter of an inch apart. This boring stretch lasts for about an hour and a half. I usually let my wife watch it by herself while I make popcorn or take the dogs for a walk.

The golf part comes right near the end. Bogart and Bergman and her wimpy husband, who appears to be wearing lipstick, turn up at a foggy airport one night, and for a moment you think that Bogart is going to get on the plane. That's the suspense. The director cleverly makes it seem as though Bogart is on the verge of throwing away everything to run off with Bergman. Bergman is good-looking, despite the hat, but you can tell that pretty soon she's going to start demanding lifestyle changes, and the first thing to go will be the nightclub. Then she'll say something like, "Oh, Rick, do we really need to live in Africa?" Then they'll have four kids in a hurry, and that will be that.

But Bogart sees the trap a mile away. He makes Bergman think he's going along with her scheme, but at the very last second he tricks the lipstick guy into going with her instead. "You're taking the fall," Bogart says. (I'm paraphrasing now.)

Then the plane takes off-- whew!-- and Bogart and Rains escape into the fog, so that they can spend the rest of World War II drinking gin and playing golf. I tell you, that movie makes me cry every time.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#24 anders the gamer 18 år siden

#23 Helt klart et af de største golf øjeblikke i filmhistorien. Ærgerligt at så få ser det ;)
Balian of Ibelin: What is Jerusalem worth?
Saladin: Nothing....Everything!
-Kingdom of Heaven

#25 Mercadian 18 år siden

Happy Gilmore :)
"I hate that clown!!"
If practice makes perfect, but nobody is perfect, then why practice?

#26 jessup 18 år siden

Bogart - øgenavn "Bogie" - selvfølgelig er den film golfrelateret.
This is just until June

#27 filmz-Erroneus 18 år siden

Jeg syntes bestemt det er "The Greatest Game Ever Played" Mange af de andre er da fine film, men ud over "The Legend of Bagger Vance" som vil være mit nr. 2 valg, så er det komedier og kunne stort set lige så godt have handlet om en anden sportsgren.

The Greatest Game Ever Played er baseret på en rigtig historie og faktisk meget gribende.
Nobody likes you. Everybody hates you. You're going to lose. Smile, you fuck.

#28 Skovstur 18 år siden

Hvor er 51st state?!?
"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie"

#29 Mercadian 18 år siden

Shooter: "You're in big trouble pal. I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!"
Happy: "You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?"
Shooter: "... NO!! ..."
If practice makes perfect, but nobody is perfect, then why practice?

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