
#381 rockysds 16 år siden

Sådan. Så skulle den være der. :)
There was no bullshit, no arty pretensions. "Doug," he'd say when we were doing Written on the Wind, "Give me some bosom."

#382 chronaden 16 år siden

Mary Poppins?

#383 Steffan Rasmussen 16 år siden

#382 - Tror jeg er et godt gæt.

I tilfælde af, at det er forkert, gætter jeg på Gigi.
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

#384 rockysds 16 år siden

Begge er gode gæt, men ingen af dem er dog korrekte. "Gigi" er på en måde tættest på.
There was no bullshit, no arty pretensions. "Doug," he'd say when we were doing Written on the Wind, "Give me some bosom."

#385 Steffan Rasmussen 16 år siden

Meet Me in St. Louis?
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

#386 rockysds 16 år siden

#385 Præcis. Begge instrueret af Vincente Minnelli.
There was no bullshit, no arty pretensions. "Doug," he'd say when we were doing Written on the Wind, "Give me some bosom."

#387 Steffan Rasmussen 16 år siden

Nyt billede:

Billede 1
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

#388 Kisbye 16 år siden

Vil du se min smukke navle
Imagine an elephant with the flu. One sneeze and it breaks it's bloody neck - Fukkatsu no hi AKA Virus (1980)

#389 Bony 16 år siden

#388 - Ellers tak. Men sødt af dig at spørge..
Nyeste anmeldelse: "The Thin Red Line" :

#390 Steffan Rasmussen 16 år siden

#388 - Korrekt
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

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