
#561 christianhg 16 år siden

Are you crazy? The fall will probably kill you.

#562 Bates 16 år siden

Jurassic Park?

#563 christianhg 16 år siden

Are you crazy? The fall will probably kill you.

#564 stoffer 16 år siden

The Ninth Gate?
Now the thing to remember, boys... flies spread disease, so keep yours closed!

#565 Steffan Rasmussen 16 år siden

Blood Simple?
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

#566 christianhg 16 år siden

Are you crazy? The fall will probably kill you.

#567 Spanner 16 år siden

Ah - Cool Hand Luke
"You fuhl no man can kil me die no ay not man" - Erlingur666
"Do not talk to me about pork when we have a crisis on my hands!!" - Producerem

#568 christianhg 16 år siden

Yeah! :)
Are you crazy? The fall will probably kill you.

#569 Spanner 16 år siden

Jeg giver turen videre
"You fuhl no man can kil me die no ay not man" - Erlingur666
"Do not talk to me about pork when we have a crisis on my hands!!" - Producerem

#570 rockysds 16 år siden

Så tager jeg den da:

Nyt billede.
There was no bullshit, no arty pretensions. "Doug," he'd say when we were doing Written on the Wind, "Give me some bosom."

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