
#11 wimmie 15 år siden

Nope... :)
"he won the Nobel Prize for inventing the artificial appendix.”

#12 chuck 15 år siden

Brad Pitt
How far does a girl have to go to untangle her tingle? Deep Throat (1972)

#13 metabolid 15 år siden

Christian Bale?

#14 wimmie 15 år siden

#12 nope
#13 Stadig ikke ;)

Kan sige at han har været nomineret til 2 oscars - én for bedste manuskript og én for bedste mandlige birolle :)

"he won the Nobel Prize for inventing the artificial appendix.”

#15 Steffan Rasmussen 15 år siden

Matt Damon?
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

#16 rockysds 15 år siden

Ethan Hawke?

("Before Sunset" og "Training Day")
There was no bullshit, no arty pretensions. "Doug," he'd say when we were doing Written on the Wind, "Give me some bosom."

#17 metabolid 15 år siden

Mark Wahlberg?

#18 Steffan Rasmussen 15 år siden

#16 - Det er nok et bedre bud. Damon var jo nomineret i hovedrolle kategorien for Good Will Hunting og ikke i birolle.
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

#19 wimmie 15 år siden

#16 Det er helt korrekt :)
"he won the Nobel Prize for inventing the artificial appendix.”

#20 rockysds 15 år siden

I hvilke to film har både Robert De Niro og Eliza Dushku medvirket i?
There was no bullshit, no arty pretensions. "Doug," he'd say when we were doing Written on the Wind, "Give me some bosom."

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