Jeg bestile også Starship Troopers den anden dag, da bruce havde gjort det, og den dukkede allerede op her til morgen. Det er sgu en service der virker. Kunne Axel fandme godt lære noget af.
Gi' dog pengene til Afrika... De har mere brug for dem.
Neither HD DVD nor Blu-ray support xvYCC or Deep Color, and never will. Those features are beyond the spec of either format. Really muddying the waters on this issue is the fact that both the HD DVD and Blu-ray camps have been advertising Deep Color in their higher-end hardware, such as the recent press release from Toshiba declaring that the upcoming "top-of-the-line HD-A35 also adds support for Deep Color via HDMI, allowing compatible display devices to deliver outstanding video quality - displaying millions of possible colors to billions of possible colors.
Doesn't that announcement flat-out state that the HD-A35 player will offer Deep Color? It sure seems to, but the wording is misleading. While the player itself may "support" Deep Color, in order for Deep Color to work it must be enabled in the player (possible), enabled in the television (possible), and the disc must be authored to include all of those billions of extra colors. That last one's the problem. The video encoded on HD DVD discs (and Blu-rays too) is limited to 8-bit color. So are the studio archive masters, for that matter. If some studio were to start authoring new discs with 16-bit Deep Color, those discs would be completely incompatible with the majority of existing players, rendering them unplayable.
Så, op i røven med deep color :)
Men ja, en super artikel. Jeg håber Filmz i fremtiden vil kunne lave en slags fora'er med "sticky" indhold, indlæg og links, som altid vil være tilgængelig forrest i en tråd. Denne skulle helt klart være iblandt.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:
Jawnn venter stadig på mine film fra Dvd Pacific, men det er nu også helt fint, de skal lige ha tid til at ankomme, men ku være jeg lige sku tjekke the Hut ud.
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots." Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#15 Jep. Jeg må indrømme at det kommer som en nyhed for mig at hverken BD eller HDDVD rent faktisk supporterer Deep Color. Sådan en omgang marketingsvås! Dejligt at vide at ens "gamle" udstyr ikke trænger til en udskiftning, for at nyde HD i al dens pomp og pragt. :)
#17 Nemlig! Og åbenbart er det langt bedre at afspillerne og ikke receiverne dekoder lydformaterne. Det vil jeg formode også er bedst, hvad angår lip-sync, hvilket er den feature jeg ønsker mig mest efterhånden :)
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:
#19 Ja, jeg har tydeligst set det i Phantom of the Opera. Men også i 4-5 andre udgivelser jeg ikke lige kan komme i tanke om :( Men der er så mange steder i transport kæden, hvor det kan gå galt. Jeg bruger jo HDMI, som går via en receiver og derfra til projektor. Nogle bruger analog output, andre component til projektor og lyden direkte til receiver. Så de lip sync problemer jeg har, er det ikke sikkert andre oplever. Jeg har dog stødt på flere, som nævner problemet med bl.a. Phantom.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:
#11 filmz-Bruce 17 år siden
#12 aknot 17 år siden
#13 gi-jones 17 år siden
#14 pulse83 17 år siden
#15 filmz-Bruce 17 år siden
Neither HD DVD nor Blu-ray support xvYCC or Deep Color, and never will. Those features are beyond the spec of either format. Really muddying the waters on this issue is the fact that both the HD DVD and Blu-ray camps have been advertising Deep Color in their higher-end hardware, such as the recent press release from Toshiba declaring that the upcoming "top-of-the-line HD-A35 also adds support for Deep Color via HDMI, allowing compatible display devices to deliver outstanding video quality - displaying millions of possible colors to billions of possible colors.
Doesn't that announcement flat-out state that the HD-A35 player will offer Deep Color? It sure seems to, but the wording is misleading. While the player itself may "support" Deep Color, in order for Deep Color to work it must be enabled in the player (possible), enabled in the television (possible), and the disc must be authored to include all of those billions of extra colors. That last one's the problem. The video encoded on HD DVD discs (and Blu-rays too) is limited to 8-bit color. So are the studio archive masters, for that matter. If some studio were to start authoring new discs with 16-bit Deep Color, those discs would be completely incompatible with the majority of existing players, rendering them unplayable.
Så, op i røven med deep color :)
Men ja, en super artikel. Jeg håber Filmz i fremtiden vil kunne lave en slags fora'er med "sticky" indhold, indlæg og links, som altid vil være tilgængelig forrest i en tråd. Denne skulle helt klart være iblandt.
#16 elwood 17 år siden
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#17 pulse83 17 år siden
#18 filmz-Bruce 17 år siden
#19 pulse83 17 år siden
#20 filmz-Bruce 17 år siden