As you might have ascertained from the preceding paragraphs, I am deeply enamoured of this film (I’d happily place it in my top 15) as it is capable of eliciting a broad scope of emotions from its audience whilst providing entertainment, drama and tragedy in a production that is lined with the finest brocade, marinated in gore and trimmed with excellent performances
#29 Det var selvfoelgelig Wicker Park og ikke Wickerman!!! Glaeder mig meget til at se L'Appartement, det ser ud til, den er meget Hitchcock inspireret!
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:
#21 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden
#22 Kalle Ferm 18 år siden
#23 filt 18 år siden
#24 Bates 18 år siden
#25 filt 18 år siden
Der er dog dette link til Play:
#26 Bates 18 år siden
#27 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden
#28 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden
Read My Lips $5.99 Anmeldelse
The Beat that my heart skipped £14.99 Anmeldelse
Franske DTS udgave (Wickerman bliver en genindspilning af denne)
L'Appartement 27 euro Anmeldelse
En af verdens bedste krigsfilm 24.april
Come And See £14.99 8.6 IMDB
#29 filmz-jonasgr 18 år siden
Lader da til, at jeg skal have investeret i Come And See, den ser interessant ud.
L'Appartement er i øvrigt en ganske fortræffelig film.
'Cause I'm evil"
#30 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden
As you might have ascertained from the preceding paragraphs, I am deeply enamoured of this film (I’d happily place it in my top 15) as it is capable of eliciting a broad scope of emotions from its audience whilst providing entertainment, drama and tragedy in a production that is lined with the finest brocade, marinated in gore and trimmed with excellent performances
#29 Det var selvfoelgelig Wicker Park og ikke Wickerman!!! Glaeder mig meget til at se L'Appartement, det ser ud til, den er meget Hitchcock inspireret!