
#51 evermind 12 år siden

Babo84 (50) skrev:
En kvindelige hovedrolle? Nooo

Det virkede ikke i Alien, og det kommer ikke til at virke her!!! D':
"nå jeg er i biffen så er der alt tid en der skal sparke i det sæd jeg sidder i"

#52 colocho 12 år siden

Kan jo være at Babo allerede har læst manus, og derfor allerede nu kan konkludere at det ikke vil virke med en kvinde?..
I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.

#53 Richard Burton 12 år siden

Stødte på dette lille fantastiske opkast af en artikel, hvor skribenten åbenbart fik sin egen diller fast i ganespalten, da han hørte, at Ridleys Prometheus spekulerede i Erich von Dänikens idéer fra 60'erne, desangående menneskehedens herkomst.

Jeg morer mig altid fornøjeligt, når jeg støder på disse mennesker, hvis verden falder i grus, når de stilles overfor koncepter, som ikke lige passer ind i deres egen forestilling omkring "tingenes tilstand". Jeg kan læse manden ikke har noget imod sci-fi, når blot sci-fi'en ikke tager udgangspunkt i teorier, men er udtænkt "for sjov". Ihvertfald teorier som manden ikke selv synes om.

Nå, men desværre vil denne kære skribent nu boykotte Prometheus i bar arrigskab, ja det forlyder, at han måske vil holde vejret og måske besvime af det. Gad vide om han nogensinde har overvejet at påføre sin kildekritik til efter han så en film og måske endog kunne nyde en film for sin eksekvering? Det får vi desværre nok ikke at vide. Men jeg vil da holde øje med nekrologerne den næste uge.

Jeg glemmer aldrig smagen af Werners ægte!

#54 Highland Park 12 år siden

"Prometheus Takes Flight With Cutting-Edge VFX Technology" skrev:
Only about half of Prometheus has digital effects. There also was a significant number of sets and exterior shots in a variety of locations from Iceland to Scotland to Jordan. Chroma key compositing can be used in some cases. “Green screen” is variation of chroma key compositing where an actor can be photographed in front of a green background that is then digially replaced in post production by another background. More often, the VFX support required a significant amount of rotoscaping to help replace the background.

Rotoscaping is a manually intensive process where an animator edits each frame to cut out what isn’t wanted. A spline outline for an adjacent frame is typically used with each frame because the frames tend to be similar, requiring minor adjustments. The process is the same for 3D, but there are twice as many frames to consider and 3D placement is an issue. Similar editing challenges arise in blending dusty environments.

Scott didn’t use motion capture in Prometheus, though one scene took a low-tech aproach as actors carried torches in a dark tunnel. An alien character was equipped with regular red LED markers on its joints. The actors then were able to interact with the alien, and the hand animation was added in post-production based on the LEDs. Other approaches using infrared LEDs or other motion capture sensors would have been more expensive and time consuming, while the red LEDs still got the job done.

Some objects were real but augmented, like the RT01 Transport (Fig. 4). It’s almost always easier to film a prop like this when the actors will interact with it. Of course, special effects sometimes are required, like when David 8 puts on a 3D light show after a discovery on an alien vessel (Fig. 5).

The Sounds Of Sci-Fi
Prometheus was recorded using Dolby Surround 7.1, the industry-standard eight-channel sound system. It already provides 3D audio that naturally complements 3D video. Doug Hemphill and Ron Bartlett were part of the post-production team responsible for combining the film’s dialog, music and sound effects.

Hemphill and Bartlett worked closely with Ridley Scott to deliver a “gritty track with highly styled acoustic environments” in this sci-fi horror film. Bartlett recorded Sanskrit syllables that were modified and used with controls, buttons, and background sounds to provide ancient language audio motifs.


The filmmakers took advantage of 3D sound effects, which are the norm in the movie industry today, during the film’s production as well. For example, audio can be matched with the video to highlight visual artifacts that are in the foreground.

The audio effort was almost as massive as the video work. A 100-person choir was recorded at the Abbey Road studio. This recording was added at epic moments within the film. At one point, the producers were generating five different audio mixes of the entire film in one week.

... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#55 Richard Burton 12 år siden

Der er knald på forudbestillingerne i England.
Jeg glemmer aldrig smagen af Werners ægte!

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