The greatest hero in Denmark is "Jakob Stegelmann". With an unending energy he has been feeding the Danes (and the Scanians lucky enough to be able to watch Danish TV) the virtues of comics, role playing games, computer games and more life saving things since the time of Bamse and Kylling.
# The Danish Parliament building is made of Lego bricks, through 25 years of extra Lego tax. All danes had to pay 10 % of their Lego pay, on top of the other taxes, (80 % Lego income taxes).
# All Danes work at the local Lego factory, 2 days a month to contribute to the building of huge pyramids, and great pig sties. The bacon manifacture is the greatest export of Denmark.
The Danish people have practiced the fine art of baby eating for centuries. This began in 1140, when the all and powerful Oprah first visited the nation and taught the danes proper baby eating technique. Baby eating is quite common at social gatherings where dishes like baby salad, baby casserole, and rødgrød med baby can be found.
* The pyramids of King Harald Blåtand stands 550 meters tall in the city of Århus. This national momument predates the egyptian pyramids by three days and twentytwo minutes. Directions: Turn left at central station and look for the newsstand. Bring the ritual payment håndøre hand-ear as a peace offering.
Og det er kun nogle af de få FAKTA der er om Danmark derinde :-) Egentlig ret sjovt, da jeg gik dem igennem.
I teorien er der ingen forskel på teori og praksis. I praksis er der
#81 filmz-Kadann 17 år siden
Haha, Techno Viking er den vildeste. :D
#82 filmz-bullettooth 17 år siden
#80 jeg mangler ord!!!! lol
#83 McPeter 17 år siden
#84 McPeter 17 år siden
Hende den næstsidste bliver godt nok spillet rundt i manegen! :-D
#85 McPeter 17 år siden
#86 Bates 17 år siden
#87 Bobby Singer 17 år siden
#88 Bobby Singer 17 år siden
#89 Bobby Singer 17 år siden
The greatest hero in Denmark is "Jakob Stegelmann". With an unending energy he has been feeding the Danes (and the Scanians lucky enough to be able to watch Danish TV) the virtues of comics, role playing games, computer games and more life saving things since the time of Bamse and Kylling.
Jeg kunne ikke være mere enig :)
#90 Æsop9000 17 år siden
# The Danish Parliament building is made of Lego bricks, through 25 years of extra Lego tax. All danes had to pay 10 % of their Lego pay, on top of the other taxes, (80 % Lego income taxes).
# All Danes work at the local Lego factory, 2 days a month to contribute to the building of huge pyramids, and great pig sties. The bacon manifacture is the greatest export of Denmark.
The Danish people have practiced the fine art of baby eating for centuries. This began in 1140, when the all and powerful Oprah first visited the nation and taught the danes proper baby eating technique. Baby eating is quite common at social gatherings where dishes like baby salad, baby casserole, and rødgrød med baby can be found.
* The pyramids of King Harald Blåtand stands 550 meters tall in the city of Århus. This national momument predates the egyptian pyramids by three days and twentytwo minutes. Directions: Turn left at central station and look for the newsstand. Bring the ritual payment håndøre hand-ear as a peace offering.
Og det er kun nogle af de få FAKTA der er om Danmark derinde :-)
Egentlig ret sjovt, da jeg gik dem igennem.