Welcome to the new and revamped TheHorrorQuiz. The website has now become completely see-through (no, not in a naughty way): it means that you will be able to see everything that goes on at the website, including the current quiz. You will also be able to check out all the old quizzes and see the screenshots that have caused the participants trouble in the past. Please feel free to take a look around before you register. If you want to participate in the quiz, you will need to register and/or log in. We hope that you enjoy this new initiative.
Og månedens quiz er kreeret af "Herrguth":
Quiz of the month
Guten Tag, horror Freunde! One of the 77 participants in Peter Ryberg Larsen's January horror quiz made it all the way to the end. Well done, "SortePlov"! The February quiz is compiled by the user "Herrguth". Enjoy and please feel free to spread the gore.[/i]
#161 Tenebrae 12 år siden
Hello, horror fans!
Welcome to the new and revamped TheHorrorQuiz.
The website has now become completely see-through (no, not in a naughty way): it means that you will be able to see everything that goes on at the website, including the current quiz.
You will also be able to check out all the old quizzes and see the screenshots that have caused the participants trouble in the past.
Please feel free to take a look around before you register. If you want to participate in the quiz, you will need to register and/or log in.
We hope that you enjoy this new initiative.
Og månedens quiz er kreeret af "Herrguth":
Quiz of the month
Guten Tag, horror Freunde!
One of the 77 participants in Peter Ryberg Larsen's January horror quiz made it all the way to the end. Well done, "SortePlov"!
The February quiz is compiled by the user "Herrguth".
Enjoy and please feel free to spread the gore.[/i]
#162 Highland Park 12 år siden
Nr. 1, 10-13, 19, 20, 24, 27 og 30-40 (nr. 33 undtaget).
Jeg sidder fast. :/
#163 Highland Park 12 år siden
#164 Highland Park 12 år siden
#165 Tenebrae 12 år siden
God fornøjelse :-)
#166 Åkepool 12 år siden
Jeg kunne lige præcis nul film :(
Håber næste quiz bliver nemmere, så jeg kan nå mit sædvanlige snit på 4-5 rigtige :)
#167 Highland Park 12 år siden
#168 Tenebrae 12 år siden
Marts-runden fra Claus Reinhold er lidt mere obskur, men der er stadig mange kendte film med.
Hvis I har lyst til at lave en runde selv, så er I meget velkomne til at kontakte mig på [email protected]
#169 Åkepool 12 år siden
Det afhænger så af hvem du spørger ;)
Men for mit vedkommende er det jo min egen skyld at jeg ikke har set flere horrorfilm, men derfor kan man vel godt håbe på lidt mere mainstream :)
Ha ha, der er mit kendskab slet ikke godt nok :P
#170 Herrguth 12 år siden
Men det synes jeg for det meste, at det er.