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Nyeste anmeldelse: "The Thin Red Line" :
Jerry Holkin også kendt som Tycho fra Penny Arcade, er ikke så begejstret for Star Wars Force Unleashed.
We're going to talk about The Force Unleashed now, so if you don't want to know things about that, you should leave. I might be able to save you some money, though.
I really liked The Force Unleashed in its largely theoretical demo form, but the finished product (at least, on the 360 and PS3) is significantly harder to love. Significantly, as in, I doubt very seriously that Gabriel will complete it. I have done so, culminating both of the game's moral vectors, largely to verify my prior assertion: that they were prepared to deliver a significant, substantial middle chapter. This has absolutely occurred. And if you can find someone else to play the game while you watch, you might be approaching the optimal scenario.
When you are in relatively large environments, amorally doling out grievous injuries with the help of an omnipresent Force, it really seems as though everything is going to be alright. As one cuts a swath through the universe, you gain "levels," which confer a kind of currency on three distinct tracks of development. The guy you played in the demo is some kind of Star Pimp - you have a long way to go before you reach those heights. Generally, you can do things how you want to and still succeed.
Things go less well at virtually any other time. Battles against "boss" characters often feel strangely disconnected from the rest of the game, outside of the skills and techniques you've developed. Strange sound bugs, long falls that don't kill the player but trap them forever outside of the game. Rude, abrupt cutscenes that ransack narrative pace. Pulling a Star Destroyer into a Space Station should have been one of this year's best moments - but the way they chose to model this in gameplay completely ruins it. An odd feedback mechanism combined with a frankly inscrutable user interface and zero help for the player turns the moment to ash.
Much as been made of their materials simulation and physics technologies, and depending on the material being simulated, the results can be extremely compelling. Other things, like Vader's cape let's say, in the first five minutes of play, just look wrong in a way that animation by hand could never achieve. The material this cape is made from - I'm hesitant to call it cloth - takes its orders from some bizarre parallel dimension, flexing and jiving in time to some secret music. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, it's more good than bad, but there are moments where we glimpse a radical interpretation of physical law.
I look on the time I invested with affection, but only in the final accounting - and even then, you and I would almost certainly weigh things differently. The art is far, far beyond anything they've done to date - the environments, the costumes, everything aches with heft and purpose. They've presented a story here that really, honestly makes you think about Star Wars. It is very rarely Star Wars of the jubilant, all-ages, "Jub Jub!" variety. If you've seen the Clone Wars movie, you know it to be a greasy tendril to snare young people. This is not. This doesn't feel like the sometimes controversial Expanded Universe. There are moments where it feels like new Star Wars, something I would never have thought possible.
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots." Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#557 jeg tror det går, twistet i spillet havde være en slemmer spoiler 8-)
Jamen tillyk med det, din PS3 selvdestruere her om små 20 min... hva vidste du ikke det ? det er det alle PS3'er med Platinum trofæer gør, men bare rolig der kommer en patch mod det på torsdag så... nå nej...
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots." Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#558 - Argh, det må du ikke sige. Min PS3 er købt hos Coolshop ligesom Insiders. Og han har jo oplevet ret dårlig service ved deres reparationer og mellem os to, så kan jeg dælme ikke leve uden den maskine.. ;)
Fik jeg sagt at det nu er en maskine med en bruger med et platinum trofæ.. :) MUHAHA!
Seriøst, jeg har ikke tal på hvor mange gange i dag jeg bare har tænkt "Fuuck, du klarer aldrig den bane her!" efter at jeg måske er død 50 gange det samme sted. Så andre steder så smuttede jeg ligeså let og elegant henover det. Tit virkede Hard sværere end Crushing. Det tog mig hvertfald cirka tre gange så lang spilletid i alt på at gennemføre Hard end Crushing. Mærkeligt. Men wtf, nu er den min.. :D
Nyeste anmeldelse: "The Thin Red Line" :
#551 Bony 16 år siden
#552 elwood 16 år siden
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#553 elwood 16 år siden
We're going to talk about The Force Unleashed now, so if you don't want to know things about that, you should leave. I might be able to save you some money, though.
I really liked The Force Unleashed in its largely theoretical demo form, but the finished product (at least, on the 360 and PS3) is significantly harder to love. Significantly, as in, I doubt very seriously that Gabriel will complete it. I have done so, culminating both of the game's moral vectors, largely to verify my prior assertion: that they were prepared to deliver a significant, substantial middle chapter. This has absolutely occurred. And if you can find someone else to play the game while you watch, you might be approaching the optimal scenario.
When you are in relatively large environments, amorally doling out grievous injuries with the help of an omnipresent Force, it really seems as though everything is going to be alright. As one cuts a swath through the universe, you gain "levels," which confer a kind of currency on three distinct tracks of development. The guy you played in the demo is some kind of Star Pimp - you have a long way to go before you reach those heights. Generally, you can do things how you want to and still succeed.
Things go less well at virtually any other time. Battles against "boss" characters often feel strangely disconnected from the rest of the game, outside of the skills and techniques you've developed. Strange sound bugs, long falls that don't kill the player but trap them forever outside of the game. Rude, abrupt cutscenes that ransack narrative pace. Pulling a Star Destroyer into a Space Station should have been one of this year's best moments - but the way they chose to model this in gameplay completely ruins it. An odd feedback mechanism combined with a frankly inscrutable user interface and zero help for the player turns the moment to ash.
Much as been made of their materials simulation and physics technologies, and depending on the material being simulated, the results can be extremely compelling. Other things, like Vader's cape let's say, in the first five minutes of play, just look wrong in a way that animation by hand could never achieve. The material this cape is made from - I'm hesitant to call it cloth - takes its orders from some bizarre parallel dimension, flexing and jiving in time to some secret music. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, it's more good than bad, but there are moments where we glimpse a radical interpretation of physical law.
I look on the time I invested with affection, but only in the final accounting - and even then, you and I would almost certainly weigh things differently. The art is far, far beyond anything they've done to date - the environments, the costumes, everything aches with heft and purpose. They've presented a story here that really, honestly makes you think about Star Wars. It is very rarely Star Wars of the jubilant, all-ages, "Jub Jub!" variety. If you've seen the Clone Wars movie, you know it to be a greasy tendril to snare young people. This is not. This doesn't feel like the sometimes controversial Expanded Universe. There are moments where it feels like new Star Wars, something I would never have thought possible.
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#554 Bony 16 år siden
#555 elwood 16 år siden
ham bony skal indlægges han er jo afhængig 8-)
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#556 Bony 16 år siden
Fuck jeg er sej. Jeg har lige gennemført det på "Crushing". Startede i dag på den sværhedsgrad og er nu platinum ejer! Damn, det er luksus!! :)
#557 Bony 16 år siden
#558 elwood 16 år siden
Jamen tillyk med det, din PS3 selvdestruere her om små 20 min... hva vidste du ikke det ? det er det alle PS3'er med Platinum trofæer gør, men bare rolig der kommer en patch mod det på torsdag så... nå nej...
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#559 Bony 16 år siden
Fik jeg sagt at det nu er en maskine med en bruger med et platinum trofæ.. :) MUHAHA!
Seriøst, jeg har ikke tal på hvor mange gange i dag jeg bare har tænkt "Fuuck, du klarer aldrig den bane her!" efter at jeg måske er død 50 gange det samme sted. Så andre steder så smuttede jeg ligeså let og elegant henover det. Tit virkede Hard sværere end Crushing. Det tog mig hvertfald cirka tre gange så lang spilletid i alt på at gennemføre Hard end Crushing. Mærkeligt. Men wtf, nu er den min.. :D
#560 elwood 16 år siden
sidder og læser LBP manual igen har printet den ud, så jeg kan sidde og læse den, jeg er så klar på det spil!
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"