På PlanetAvP er der dukket nogle screenshots op fra den slettede sekvens i “Alien vs. Predator”, der ikke kom med i filmen, men som vil være at finde på DVD-udgivelsen.

Sekvensen, som foregår i starten af filmen, viser de to udenjordiske væsener der støder sammen i et lille samfund på Antarktis i 1904.

“Alien vs. Predator” udkommer på reg. 1 DVD senere på måneden, men er allerede nu tilgængelig på reg. 3.

Vis kommentarer (75)

#11 filmz-Exitium 20 år siden

nå for helved
"I dont wanna discuss how my fucking coffee tast like!"

#12 dfms 20 år siden

#9 Om der så er en pose blod med i DVD-æsken kan det IKKE rede den film!

#13 filmz-Bruce 20 år siden

#10 Jeg er idioten :)

Og jeg vil da gerne bringe mine kilder een gang til. Her er links til en masse inside omkring AvP og ikke mindst interviewet med Peter Brigs er meget interessant. Bottomline. Der er IKKE en DC af filmen. Paul W.S. Anderson har spundet et net af løgne, som han er fanget i.

Men læs selv alt I vil:

All the...
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#14 Hasselguff 20 år siden

#12 Det skulle da lige være syreblod. :)
Are you Quilty? No, I'm Spartacus.

#15 filmz-ikea-fan 20 år siden


Anderson sagde at der var nogle gode scener der ikke kom med i filmen, mens andre sagde at det var løgn. Det har så vist sig at Anderson talte sandt.

Længere er den ikke.

Om det det så skal kaldes en Director´s cut eller ej, virker mest af alt som ordkløveri fra en person der tog fejl, men ikke kan indrømme det.
Hvis dette indlæg virker stødende eller fornærmende, skal det tolkes som en joke.

#16 dfms 20 år siden

Hvorfor bliver I ved, om så AVP DC/SE/UE er 5 timer lang og med 24 timers ekstra materiale, så har, er og bliver AVP et STORT flop.
P.S. Hvis P.W.A. lover at begå selvmord, så skal jeg nok købe AVP. ;)

#17 filmz-Bruce 20 år siden

Well, jeg kiggede lige efter og kronologisk forlyder det:

19. august 2004
About the studio's cutting of the film, which he had no control over, he said, and I quote, "All of the best scenes were cut." Anderson was obviously very annoyed at the way the film was released. Without saying anything that could dig his own grave, Anderson tactfully pinned the fault of the poor quality of the film on the studio's cut.

Peter Briggs svarer 29. august 2004:

Mr. D: Anderson says all the best scenes in 'AvP' have been cut?

He did?? Really!? That's...fairly unbelievable. I've got several drafts of his script from over the last year or so, including the last few shooting drafts, and...he said that? What "best scenes"? Pretty much what he wrote in the script's up there. The only major thing of any consequence I'm flashing on is a daft scene where the Predator strips out the Alien's brain and plays chicken-claw with it. There's a peachy coffee table book of the A.D.I. effects work that I picked up at the Comicon, and there's some pics of that in there. It's not like Anderson wrote a lot of fight scenes in his thing to begin with. And I don't think either of the opening scenes were ever filmed? There's some dialog that's been trimmed, sure, but...?

Mr. D: Anderson insists if we'd seen the "real film", it explained away the alien's growth through the machine the Predators built to accommodate the Queen, pumping her full of accelerative hormones.

Well, that's...enlightening. I have no idea where he's getting that from. It's not mentioned in any line of dialog, or even scene description, in any of his drafts I've read. Unfortunately, this particular horse has bolted, so it's pointless trying to close the stable door now.

22. September 2004

Confirming what our buddy Peter Briggs had to say (in our interview) regarding Paul W.S. Anderson's cut of Alien vs Predator (review), the Digital Bits had some interesting news this morning, "Finally, 'Alien Vs. Predator' will officially hit stores in January (exact date is still TBA). We're made to understand that this will not be the recently rumored "director's edition" because there really isn't much unreleased footage. You might get a little more blood, but that's about it." So what's did you learn this summer? Don't believe a word that comes out of Paul Anderson nor Uwe Boll's mouth, unless they say theyre going to give you a million bucks- but then you better shake on it...

27. oktober

Why does he think he can lie to us, there are tons of us reporters out here who know the truth- who've SEEN the truth. Director Paul W.S. Anderson may not be a favorite of mine, but I genuinely do like some of his flicks and it really ticks me off when these big shot directors think they are bigger than us puny humans- why do they lie? WHY?! Read on for Anderson's bullcrap story about Alien vs Predator 2

Here's the hilarious clip from Empire Online:
"Anderson told Empire Online that he's said goodbye to films that feature both Aliens and Predators. "I'm not attached to any sequel. I never really made the movie with the intention of making a sequel. I wanted to do it as a stand-alone film that could hopefully succeed in its own terms, but also re-energize both franchises. So that Fox could go: 'Well, that made a lot of money! If you want to see Predators and Aliens again let's make a Predator 3, let's make an Alien 5.'"
Sounds like he's listening to the fans, but the truth- you want the truth? I don't think you can handle the truth! On almost every single script for Alien vs Predator Paul Anderson ended with "To be continued in Alien vs Predator: Annihilation." True story, I swear! You know what I think? I think after he married Milla Jovovich, he started thinking he was in a dream world and lost his mind...

You know, I once asked an executive behind Anderson's "Event Horizon" what the longer cut of that was like, because I actually liked some stuff in it, and he told me flatly there wasn't one. So, a longer "A vs P" cut? I'd certainly be very curious....

Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#18 filmz-ikea-fan 20 år siden


Hey Mikael, hvad med om du gør dine forældre en tjeneste, og hopper ud foran et tog.


øhh ja Flemming, som jeg skrev, Anderson løj ikke. Flot spild af tid, den post.
Hvis dette indlæg virker stødende eller fornærmende, skal det tolkes som en joke.

#19 dfms 20 år siden

Skal vi nu til det igen.

#20 filmz-ikea-fan 20 år siden

Tja, når du nu selv starter det.
Hvis dette indlæg virker stødende eller fornærmende, skal det tolkes som en joke.

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