Der har længe været stille omkring den kommende fortsættelse på “The X-Files – Fight the Future”, men nu kommer der en update fra filmens producer Frank Spotnitz.
Han kan bl.a. fortælle at seriens skaber, Chris Carter, ikke foreløbig ser ud til at vende tilbage: ”Min aftale er på plads, David [Duchovny] og Gillian [Andersons] aftaler er på plads, og Chris Carters er ikke. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor det tager så lang tid. Det lader til at have stået stille i mange, mange måneder”.
Spotnitz fortsætter: ”Chris og jeg har en historie, som er blevet ret støvet nu – det er et stykke tid siden vi lavede den og pitchede den til studiet, og jeg forbliver håbefuld om at hvad der end holder tingene tilbage bliver løst og vi stadig laver den”.
#11 filmz-joliegirl 19 år siden
#12 nostromo 19 år siden
I only used that link to more or less prove that there isn't much X-files related sites out on the WWW. But also cause it gives you a bit of a help in certain seasons.
But, to find an episode where beliefs are at the very heart of the matter... Hmmm, well, there is that good one where Scully is abducted and Duane Barry, goes ape shit. There you see how Mulder, holds Scullys faith and how the two cannot without each other. There are too many episodes where these questions are tackled but all in all, look for the episode in Season 2 called Duane Barry and look for
Here are some episode guides :
One note though : During the Duane Barry episode which more or less spans 4 or 5 episodes all the way to 208 One Breath, was when Gillian Anderson was pregnant and had to be at the hospital during shoots of the second season. This worked well with the show as she was missing in two or three episodes.
But to give you an idea of what One Breath was about :
Scully appears in the Georgetown Medical Centre, Washington without any explanation for her condition. She is unconscious and on life support in a critical condition. Mulder feels helpless as her mother Margaret and sister Melissa make decisions about her condition, as a doctor Scully had specific criteria for the termination of life support, her living will which Mulder witnessed states she would not want to live in her current condition. Frohike from The Lone Gunman visits the hospital and steals Scully's medical chart. The Lone Gunman study the chart and inform Mulder that Scully's blood is contaminated with redundant DNA the result of genetic experimentation, the outlook is not good. Mulder sees a man taking a vial of Scully's blood from the hospital and chases him. In the basement car park he fights with the man before X emerges from the shadows and kills the man. X warns Mulder to desist from his investigation of the people responsible for Scully's condition. Scully's family honour her wishes and terminate the life support keeping her alive. Mulder visits Assistant Director Skinner and demands the mysterious Cigarette Smoking Man's address, who he believes to be responsible. Mulder visits the Cigarette Smoking Man and pulls a gun on him. But Mulder realises killing him will not help Scully and will only make Mulder more like the shadowy men who work against him. Later he receives a phone call informing him that Scully has regained consciousness.
Noteworthy Quote for you Joliegirl :
The Cigarette Smoking Man: "I told Skinner you shot the man in the hospital, but I didn't really believe it. And here you are with a gun to my head, I have more respect for you Mulder, your becoming a Player"
X: "You want to see what it takes to find the truth agent Mulder, you want to know the things I know"
#13 nostromo 19 år siden
A little bit from the episode which is part one of two :
Mulder: "I have lived with a fragile faith built on the ether of vague memories from an experience that I can neither prove nor explain. When I was twelve, my sister was taken from me, taken from our home by a force that I came to believe was extraterrestrial. This belief sustained me, fuelling a quest for truths that were as elusive as the memory itself. To believe as passionately as I did was not without sacrifice, but I always accepted the risks... to my career, my reputation, my relationships ... to life itself."
Mulder: "What happened to me out on the ice has justified every belief. If I should die now, it would be with the certainty that my faith has been righteous. And if, through death larger mysteries are revealed, I will have already learned the answer to the question that has driven me here... that there is intelligent life in the universe other than our own... that they are here among us... and that they have begun to colonise."
#14 nostromo 19 år siden
So you got your work cut out for ya... ;-)
#15 NightHawk 19 år siden
Eneste mulighed for at bringe "X-Files" op på det store lærred igen, sku så være en helt ny historie med Monica Reyes og John Doggett som frontfigurer og her tror jeg bare ikke, at hverken Anabelle Gish og Robert Patrick, (Som jeg syntes begge, har gjordt det fremragende som nyt team) har den star-power, som 2'eren får behov for, hvis den skal ha alibiet i orden.
Tror desværre man bare må nøjes med drømmen og så istedet for gense de gamle afsnit og "X-Files : Fight The Future"!
#16 darkwizat 19 år siden
#17 The Insider 19 år siden
#18 maniac 19 år siden
Det ville være fint for mig om de kunne fortsætte/afslutte med en film i stedet.
#19 darkwizat 19 år siden
#20 filmz-bloodrayne 19 år siden