Der har længe været stille omkring den kommende fortsættelse på “The X-Files – Fight the Future”, men nu kommer der en update fra filmens producer Frank Spotnitz.
Han kan bl.a. fortælle at seriens skaber, Chris Carter, ikke foreløbig ser ud til at vende tilbage: ”Min aftale er på plads, David [Duchovny] og Gillian [Andersons] aftaler er på plads, og Chris Carters er ikke. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor det tager så lang tid. Det lader til at have stået stille i mange, mange måneder”.
Spotnitz fortsætter: ”Chris og jeg har en historie, som er blevet ret støvet nu – det er et stykke tid siden vi lavede den og pitchede den til studiet, og jeg forbliver håbefuld om at hvad der end holder tingene tilbage bliver løst og vi stadig laver den”.
#1 Patroklos 19 år siden
#2 nostromo 19 år siden
I think it was D.O.A when they pitched the idea...
#3 Outbound Sith 19 år siden
Fox Mulder
#4 The Insider 19 år siden
#5 nostromo 19 år siden
Keep looking is my advice and they'll have a go and a movie complete within 5 months.
#6 Taxwars 19 år siden
#7 filmz-joliegirl 19 år siden
#8 nostromo 19 år siden
Yep, somewhere down the line these kinds of story will never be too old. The key is to bring a new theme while solving or even answering some of the old questions.
I think we could do with the old cast, I'd like to see Alex Krycek back in action. Though I know he pretty much died last time we saw him. He was cool though.
The problem is that at the moment, not a lot of people hold a flame for the X-files in the form of a fan club or even web sites. This is where these movie studios look for their audience. Sad but true, the net has more power today than ever imagined.
Say Joliegirl, how much did you have to pay to get into that drama school? And which one is it? I have a few friends in some of these places.
#9 filmz-joliegirl 19 år siden
#10 nostromo 19 år siden
Ideas? Well I liked Jeremiah, which is a good 3 parter if you understand the subliminal context of the story. It was as far as I remember written by David D. So he ain't that bad.
I have only found this to help you
You need to be a bit more specific when you talk about beliefs. What would that mean? Religious or faith in general?
You can have faith in your partner ( Mulder and Scully share this), Skinner who cares for them enough to believe in them. The number of people who have helped Mulder like Deep Throat and others. Even the cigarette smoking man showed some form of faith in Mulder.
You can have faith in the system like Scully did in the beginning. You can have faith in GOD. Or faith humanity.
You can believe in UFOs, ETs. monster or deformed people who might be interpreted in folk legends etc.
The key here is to find the thin line between truth and faith that might embellish the facts enough to form a more romantic, fantastic or forgiving aspect on a given subject.
(See Big fish to find how you can misinterpret embellished tales told to make it sound more fantastic, yet they all happened, only not as colorful as one was lead to believe)
The real question here is do you believe or do you WANT to believe...
And if so, then why do you want to believe?
Hope you get this...
(sorry I don't know anyone from your school, but hear it is a good one though!)