Sylvester Stallone, som til næste år igen er biografaktuel med genoplivningen af endnu en af sine ikoniske roller, “John Rambo”, er i forhandlinger med MGM om både at instruere og spille hovedrollen i “Death Wish”, en genindspilning af den populære Charles Bronson-klassiker fra 1974, “En mand ser rødt”.
Stallone skal spille en almindelig mand, som begiver sig ud på en selvtægtsmission, efter hans kone og datter bliver angrebet. Michael Ferris og John Brancato, som har skrevet “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” og dens kommende efterfølger, “Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins”, skal stå for manuskriptet.
Hvis strejken blandt Hollywoods manuskriptforfattere bliver kortfattet, håber MGM at påbegynde produktionen inden marts.
#11 filmz-adonis 17 år siden
#12 filmz-adonis 17 år siden
"This is also one of Van Damme's better performances. At first, he just seems pissed off and grouchy, but it makes more sense as the character starts to change. His first few adjustments are well performed, as Anthony realizes that he wants to change, but is trapped in cycles that he himself has created. As he tries to make restitution for the horrible things he has done, I actually found myself getting attached to the character. Van Damme will never be a great actor, but this performance shows a lot more talent than I ever expected to see."
"Of course, it's Van Damme's performance that ultimately determines Until Death's effectiveness; the actor, initially trapped within the confines of the most reprehensible character of his career, does a surprisingly nice job of bringing Anthony Stowe to life and essentially transforms the guy into a likeable figure (no small feat considering what a scumbag he is). Van Damme's subtle work is sharply contrasted by Stephen Rea's scenery-chewing performance, which is certainly shocking in and of itself (who could've ever predicted that Neil Jordan regular Rea would be out-acted by the Muscles from Brussels?)"
#13 filmz-adonis 17 år siden
#14 Ash 17 år siden