Cinema em Cena har fået fat på en samling nye billeder fra “Episode III”, det forestående afsluttende kapitel i George Lucas’ “Star Wars”-saga.

Blandt billederne er det bl.a. muligt at se den grumme General Grievous med lyssværd, de røde imperiske vagter og Obi-Wan i kamp med Seperatistbevægelsens kampdroider.

“Episode III” har atter Hayden Christensen i rollen som den unge Jedi Anakin Skywalker, der forfalder til den Mørke Side og tager kampen op mod sin gamle læremester Obi-Wan Kenobi, der igen spilles af Ewan McGregor.

“Star Wars: Episode III – Sith-fyrsternes hævn” rammer de danske biograflærreder 19. maj.

Vis kommentarer (27)

#11 filmz-Kadann 20 år siden

"you know, for kids".. ;) - -

#12 filt 20 år siden

Det er godt nok sjovt at se Jar Jar blive skudt i sænk! :D
"Let the universe howl in despair, for I have returned..." - Lord Darkseid

#13 filt 20 år siden

Ups, forkert tråd. :( Troede det var her der blev linket til den "alternative" trailer.
"Let the universe howl in despair, for I have returned..." - Lord Darkseid

#14 Ikari 20 år siden


#15 filt 20 år siden

That is correct. ;)
"Let the universe howl in despair, for I have returned..." - Lord Darkseid

#16 filmz-samhain. 20 år siden

tjek lige det her ;-) ;-) *A New Master*

#17 filmz-samhain. 20 år siden

SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!Hvis ikke du er til spoilers så lad være med at læse videre.

Jeg ved ikke om nogen af jer læste spoiler reporten om den næste trailer.. her er den. Den er taget fra som altid har været korrekt med hensyn til deres trailer beskrivelser.

Der står godt nok tilsidst at den der sendte dem reporten ikke hviste hvornår traileren bliver udgivet men det er blevet leaked nu. 11 Marts skulle den køre i biografen med en ny animations film som Ewan McGregor ligger stemme til.

A reliable source sent in this description of the next Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith trailer:

(PLEASE NOTE: If you're avoiding spoilers, we advise you NOT to read on)

Revenge of the Sith Trailer Description

Posted By Scott on January 20, 2005
A reliable source sent in this description of the next Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith trailer:

The trailer begins with the following exchange:

Palpatine: "The Dark Side of the Force is the pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."

Anakin: "Is it possible to learn this power?"

Palpatine: "Not from a Jedi."

We are then introduced to the political maneuvering of Palpatine, Obi-Wan and Mace Windu. All of them actually want to use Anakin as a pawn in their game (Palpatine makes Anakin his "personal representative on the Jedi Council" while Obi-Wan wants him to "report on all the Chancellor's dealings"). The first minute or so is surprisingly heavy on dialogue and consists mostly of shots of various characters speaking to each other (intercut with short glimpses of evil droids, space battles etc.). We even see how Mace Windu and three other Jedi attempt to arrest Palpatine (he grabs the lightsaber and confronts them). When Mace Windu tells Anakin "You are on this council but we do not grant you the rank of Master", Anakin loses it and joins the Dark Side (Sidious: "Every single Jedi is now an enemy of the Republic"). At least that's how the trailer makes it look.

Then the more "visual" half starts with some very neat scenes like a low angle shot of Anakin marching in front of a Clone trooper army. We see Wookiees on some kind of war machine, the duel in the volcano field, gigantic 10-wheel military transports and actual destruction of the Senate chamber. Everything is very dramatic, several deaths are implied, Padme is seen crying loudly and music from the Emperor duel (ROTJ) is heard.

Overall, the first half of the trailer is surprisingly specific, making no sense whatsoever to people who don't know Star Wars well. The second half is very dark and dramatic, but with lots of action. Bad guys (apart from Sidious) only appear for a fraction of a second and have no lines. The final seconds consist of Obi-Wan shouting "You were the chosen one!", fighting Anakin while both dangle from some ropes/wires. After the closing titles, there is a bonus shot of Vader and Sidious standing side by side, accompanied by Vader's breathing.

This is a preliminary version with effects and sound not quite finalized. One part of the trailer is actually without music (either for dramatic effect or John Williams' new score will be inserted here?). The length is little under 2:30.

When further questioned about the "evil droid", our source confirmed that there wasn't a clear shot of General Grievous but there was one of the bodyguards:

There is some evil-looking humanoid droid with a cape around his head and torso, flanked by two classic battledroids (from Episode I). He seems to hold a lance in his hand. Later, Obi-Wan is seen swordfighting with a humanoid droid but he's only seen from back and moving quickly. (I'm 90% certain it IS Grievous, but it's extremely short and quick shot.) Anyway, both of these shots are VERY brief (about half second).

One of the shots depicts Obi-Wan being surrounded by dozens of droids. Some of them look different and wear capes, maybe one of them is Grievous. But it's very wide shot, the characters are small.

UPDATE - The source for this doesn't know the release date of the trailer, but they speculate that it won't be within the next month.

#18 filmz-Kadann 20 år siden

#17 -

Hvorfor ikke bare bruge spoilerfunktionen? - -

#19 filmz-principia 20 år siden

Spoilerfunktion - nederst på siden!
Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire... (Schindler's List)

#20 filmz-saudoo 20 år siden

#14 fuck hvor grin..

har i også set deres version af Matrix? :D

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