Da “National Treasure”, der kostede $100 mio. at skabe, røg ud i alverdens biografer, blev det med en verdensomspændende indtjening på $318 mio. som resultat. Det er måske dette resultat der er skyld i at Walt Disney Pictures planlægger en fortsættelse til hittet med Nicolas Cage.
Instruktøren Jon Turteltaub har til CRIonline.com fortalt at fortsættelsen bliver filmet i et romantisk og mytisk land, og Kina er øverst på listen over muligheder.
Turteltaub søger for tiden en forfatter til at udvikle et manuskript til fortsættelsen.
#11 Slettet Bruger [1524372202] 19 år siden
#12 DarkLight 19 år siden
#10, du har ret. Egentligt imponerende at de kunne tjene så mange penge på etteren, da den manglede både hoved og hale. Heldgivis har de nu råd til at hyre 3 forfattere.
#13 filmz-gasivodo 19 år siden
#14 Slettet Bruger [1524372202] 19 år siden
#15 filmz-tED 19 år siden
Get a room!
#16 filmz-stoney joe 19 år siden
P.S. Undskyld at jeg hopper så meget rundt. Og så er der sikkert også meget som jeg har glemt under vejs, men you get the picture....
#17 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden
#18 filmz-ibleif 19 år siden
#19 Tylerdurden 19 år siden
#20 nostromo 19 år siden
But that is not the worst thing, why the hell do they want to make a sequel to a brain dead movie like this. It was so dumb, that people who watched it HAD to be a bunch of 4 year olds.
Hollywood is making more and more stupid films, and for some damn reason, more and more stupid people watch them.
This movie was boring, cheap and predictable. The chick could have been a hollow cardboard box running around with them. It was a pointless movie, just like Fast and the Furious 1+2, and its ill fated sibling Turoq or what ever the hell it is called.
And another thing, this entire thing about, well I didn't expect anything when I saw it is total BS. I mean why the hell see it then? Didn't you expect to be entertained in some way? And by that didn't you some how think it was good? You were not forced into seeing a movie and then coming out well it wasn't that bad... Most people choose...
I guess in these days, movies like National Treasure are the equivalent of the 80ies crap bucket B- Action movies. Only twist in todays movies are, they are all high budget!