
#1 frahm-2 16 år siden

Vi er ved at sætte en ny international filmfestival op i Danmark.
Den danske del af festivalen kommer til at foregå i Maj 2009, så det er et langsigtet projekt. Til vores hold i Danmark søger vi i øjeblikket hovedsageligt folk til at hjælpe med funding og publicity, men hvis du tror du kan hjælpe på anden vis skal du være mere end velkommen til at kontakte os. CV kan sendes til [email protected] med att. Daniel Knoppers (han er fra Holland, så det skal gerne foregå på engelsk).
Detaljer om festivalen kan ses herunder:

Coming up:
a monthly, travelling student film festival. Each month in one of the eight participating countries. From October 2008!

The festival is set up to give filmmakers at the start of their career a platform to show their work on the big screen. Not only in their own school or even country,
but in the whole of Europe!

The festival starts on the last Friday of the month with a screening of films from the country that is that month’s focus. These films will be selected by two Film
Studies students, together with a professional. The audience favourite of the night will be shown the month after, in the next country. On the second day, the
Saturday, professional filmmakers will host workshops on numerous film-related topics. That night there will also be an international screening of one film from each of the participating countries. Discussing them will be another film professional.
An important part of the project is that every one of the student filmmakers will be present at the screening of their film and will be talking about it with other
students. This way future professional filmmakers will get the opportunity to meet and maybe start thinking about working together. The weekend will end with a
party, featuring a local student band or dj.
Breaking Ground is there to stimulate as much interaction between students (and the professional film scene) as possible. Besides meeting each other at the discussions, screenings and workshops, local students will host their foreign counterparts at home and there will be plenty of fun stuff to do as well as parties and drinks.

The website is another important part of Breaking Ground. Apart from the festivals,the internet will be what connects the European film students. The site will become
a community, where students will be able to introduce themselves to their peers.
This way it will be possible for them to make contact, exchange experiences and maybe even contemplate starting a joint project. The website will not only be for students though. Hopefully it will be thé place for professionals to meet the new generation of film talent. And you never know what can come of that!

We’re looking for you!

From march 2008 we will start organizing the festival in your country. At the
moment we’re finding the best team! What we’re looking for:

Someone to judge the incoming student films every month + a contact for the film students (your job: judging the student films and making sure that the best film will go internationally, keeping in contact with the film students
showing their film abroad – this is a monthly job, from july 2008, but will be together with someone else!)

Someone to do the national publicity when the festival takes place in your country (setting up a publicity plan, keeping in contact with the press – this is a one time thing and will start three months before the festival in your country)

Someone to do the national funding (setting up a funding plan, getting the project nationally funded – this is a one time thing and will start five months before the festival in your country)

What do we ask from you? A love for film, to be flexible with your time, well spoken English and an enthusiasm for setting up a totally new project!
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#2 Skeloboy 16 år siden

Det lyder ganske interessant.

Hvor foregår det? KBH?

#3 frahm-2 16 år siden

Det kommer til at foregå i København. Hvor præcist ligger ikke fast endnu.
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#4 filmz-vassago 16 år siden

Jeg synes også det lyder interessant, men er i ikke bange for at drukne lidt i Cannes festivalen, som også har en masse af den slags? Det er stort set samme tid.
"For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake" - A. Hitchcock

#5 frahm-2 16 år siden

Jo, men nu henvender breakingground sig jo ikke til samme publikum som Cannes. Da det hovedsageligt er nye filmfolk med kort film der kommer til breakingground vil det være rimeligt usansynligt at de også skal til Cannes. Det eneste problem der muligvis er, er at få de rigtige folk fra den etablerede filmbranche til at komme, da disse folk muligvis befinder sig i Cannes. Pressedækning kan også blive et problem hvis det er oven i Cannes. Da festivalen kører hver måned i et nyt land, så får Danmark forhåbenlig også en bedre dato i 2010.
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#6 filmz-vassago 16 år siden

#5: Parallelt med den store prestigefyldte filmfestival kører der jo en masse andre mindre festivaler og arrangementer.

Det inkl. et kæmpe filmmarked ved navn Marché du Film, Cannes Classics, Cinéma de la Plage, Touts les Cinemas du Monde, Directors' Fortnight, Masterclasses og meget meget mere.

Lidt om 2 af dem:

Touts les Cinemas du Monde - It showcases the vitality and diversity of cinema across the world. Each day, one country is invited to present a range of features and shorts in celebration of its unique culture, identity and recent film works.

Directors' Fortnight is an independent section held in parallel to the Cannes Film Festival. The Directors' Fortnight showcases a programme of shorts and feature films as well as documentaries from all over the world.

Der er opsat et hav af skærme på filmfestivalen, hvor man ganske gratis kan sætte sig hen og se nogle af alle disse film, derudover er der private screenings og små biografer overalt der viser en masse film.

Jeg synes jeres filmfestival lyder som en glimrende idé, og man kan aldrig få for meget film :) Jeg faldt bare over måneden, og tænkte at det var en hård gut at konkurrere med. Copenhagen Fashion Week har pt samme problem, den får ikke den fortjente opmærksomhed, fordi arrangørerne har lagt den på samme tid som New Yorks.
"For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake" - A. Hitchcock

#7 filmz-vassago 16 år siden

Ahh, jeg havde overset det med at de skulle køre hver eneste måned.
"For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake" - A. Hitchcock

#8 Wrangque 16 år siden

Et overordentlig spændende projekt! Havde jeg boet lidt tættere på, ville jeg hellere end gerne have hjulpet med... something.

Må jeg spørge hvad din rolle er i projektet frahm ?

#9 Skeloboy 16 år siden

Jeg var praktikant på Odense Film Festival sidste år, så har lidt erfaring med. Jeg er lidt spændt på projektet, Har dog et spørgsmål: jeg bor i Odense, og hvor meget af arbejdet skal foregå fra KBH?

#10 frahm-2 16 år siden

Jeg er forholdsvis ny på projektet (men det er alle da det er et ret nyt projekt), men min rolle er hovedsageligt funding, altså at sørge for at vi har penge til at sætte festivalen op. Rollerne er dog lidt løse i øjeblikket da vi ikke har så mange folk, så mon ikke jeg også kommer ind over udvælgelse af film og promovering. Men det vil tiden vise, i første omgang er det i hvert fald funding.

Der er sikkert noget du godt kan hjælpe med. Prøv at send en mail til Daniel Knoppers (ja, ligesom kiksen) på adressen i #1, han kan sikkert finde på noget dine evner kan bruges til.
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