
#1 filmz-butch 17 år siden

Er der nogle som har erfaring med producere?
Hvordan og hvornår får man en producer? Hvad er vilkårene?

#2 filmz-Crystalstar1200 17 år siden

I have so here is a little on what he does ...

A film producer creates the conditions for making movies. The producer initiates, coordinates, supervises and controls matters such as fundraising, hiring key personnel, and arranging for distributors. The producer is involved throughout all phases of the filmmaking process from development to completion of a project.

In the early 20th century, the producer also tended to wield ultimate creative control on a film project. With the demise of Hollywood's studio system in the 1950s, creative control began to shift into the hands of the director.

Changes in movie distribution and marketing in the 1970s and '80s gave rise to the modern-day phenomenon of the Hollywood blockbuster, which tended to bring power back into the hands of the producer. While marketing and advertising for films accentuates the role of the director, apart from a few well-known film makers it is usually the producer who has the greatest degree of control in the American film industry.

Traditionally, the producer is considered the chief of staff while the director is in charge of the line. This "staff and line" organization mirrors that of most large corporations and the military. Under this arrangement, the producer has overall control of the project and can terminate the director, but the director actually makes the film. The "line producer" is thus a producer who assists with day-to-day financial and production concerns "on the line" as the film is being made.

But there are also different kinds of producers:

Executive Producer: In major productions, usually a representative or CEO of the film studio, although the title may be given as an honorarium to a major investor. Often oversees the financial, administrative, and creative aspects of production, though not technical aspects. In smaller companies or independent projects, may be synonymous with creator/writer.

Producer: the "classic" definition of producer who typically has the greatest involvement and oversight among a film's various producers. In smaller companies or independent projects, may be the equivalent of the Executive Producer.

Co-Producer: A producer who generally reports to the (Executive) Producer and is more involved in the day-to-day production. He or she is the provider of money to finance a project. In independent projects, the title connotes an involvement in the inception of the production.

Associate Producer: Usually acts as a representative of the Producer, who may share financial, creative, or administrative responsibilities, delegated from that producer. Often, a title granted as a courtesy or to one who made a major financial or creative contribution to the production.

Production director: A representative of the film company assigned to the set and given the authority to act in behalf of the senior production team members.

Line Producer: Oversees a film's budget and day-to-day activities

Production supervisor: Usually performs managerial duties on one aspect of the production. Perceived as a "real producer."

Production Manager - Administrative Producer: Reports to the Board of Directors. Freelancers are employed by the Administrative Producer for specific tasks such as press and publicity activities, design, production management, etc.

Hope that gave you an idea of what we do :)

*** Den Som Elsker Meget - Udretter Meget ! ***

#3 filmz-vassago 17 år siden

Mener du filmproducer eller tvproducer - der er nemlig en stor forskel på de to jobs.
"For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake" - A. Hitchcock

#4 Wrangque 17 år siden

Fantasktisk indlæg Crystalstar! men må jeg spørge hvorfor du taler engelsk? man må jo gå udfra du taler dansk? :D

#5 filmz-Crystalstar1200 17 år siden

# 4 Undskyld - Jeg sad på arbejde og den ene af mine chefer kom forbi og så virkede det lidt forkert at jeg sad og skrev på noget andet end arbejdsrelateret (arbejder bl.a. på et projekt/en rapport for EU) - men jeg glad for du kunne bruge informationerne :)

Men andre gange skriver jeg/vi på engelsk da min kone og jeg deler min profil og hun er fra amerika.

*** Den Som Elsker Meget - Udretter Meget ! ***

#6 filmz-butch 17 år siden

Ja, tak til Crystalstar1200 for en glimrende definition og svar på spørgsmålet -
#3 Jeg mener filmproducer (i forb. med mindre produktioner fx kort/novelle film)

Hvordan fungere en producer i forbindelse med smalle uafhængige filmproduktioner, som spås næsten ingen økonomisk, men hovedsagelig kunstnerisk succes?
På hvilket plan og hvordan vil produceren have interesse i sådanne filmproduktioner?

#7 Wrangque 17 år siden

#5 Haha, no problem. Det rør' overhoved ikke mig, jeg ryger selv over i det engelske engang i mellem. Undrede mig bare :D

#8 filmz-Crystalstar1200 17 år siden

# 6 Det korte svar ville være, at han sørge for alt det praktiske omkring produktionen, så instruktøren kan bruge sin energi på at fortælle historien/budskabet og sine kunstneriske ideer.

På små produktioner af den art du nævner, kan du derfor nogen opleve, at det er en og samme person. Min erfaring er dog, at jeg har tit oplevet en instruktør blive frustreret over at blive konfronteret med administrative opgaver midt i det hele, hvis de ikke er blevet skolet ordenligt. For alt andet lige, så er der altid mange bolde i luften når man går igang med en produktion.

*** Den Som Elsker Meget - Udretter Meget ! ***

#9 gi-jones 17 år siden

I Danmark skelner man oftest imellem en producer og en produktionsleder (produktionsleder hedder givetvis noget andet i USA). Produceren har det overordnede ansvar for produktionen, primært økonomisk, og er ofte initiativtager til hele skidtet. Produktionslederen lægger den optageplanen og organiserer alt det praktiske omkring produktionen.

#6: Har du et konkret projekt på tegnebrættet? Hvis du vil have mere konkrete svar, er flere detaljer nok nødvendige.
Gi' dog pengene til Afrika... De har mere brug for dem.

#10 filmz-Crystalstar1200 17 år siden

# 6 Det skulle jeg også til at spørge om for nogen gange kan det være nemmere at forklare udfra noget man selv kender til :)

*** Den Som Elsker Meget - Udretter Meget ! ***

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