Har aldrig fået taget en dvd... men tilgengæld forsvinder mine bøger simpelthen i posten. Ud af 4 pakker med bøger er ingen dukket op. Dog er Play flinke til at returnere pengene.
"hehe, you got no code, no porn and you're ugly. Let's dance!"
Man bør nok også lægge mærke til: Soundtrack(s): Mandarin DTS-ES 6.1 Discrete Mandarin Dolby Digital 5.1 EX
Mod fx den R2 Germany - (Highlight - Premium Edition) med sølle: Mandarin Dolby Digital 5.1 German DTS 5.1 German Dolby Digital 5.1 German WMA Pro 5.1 (Disc 3 Only)
Til gengæld opdagede jeg lige at der står at disc 3 indeholder: * The Film - "Theatrical Version" (DVD-Rom HiDef WMV format) hvilket da ser ganske interessandt ud?! Nogen der har den?
BEMÆRK: ved R0 China - (Guang Dong Face - Extended Version) står der: * A watermark "FACE" pops up for 30 seconds every 5 minutes in the upper left corner. The watermark is part of the subtitle coding, so it disappears if you choose no subtitles. * Non-subtitled opening and closing screens miss out key plot points. * This is the DVD5 version without the DTS audio and featuring a shorter featurette. * This disc suffers with a number of playback issues and the picture quality is noticeably inferior to the Edko release (although it does contain more picture information on all sides). * Appears to be PAL to NTSC sourced.
Så alt i alt - det som #198 sagde... bare længere! ;-)
#191 Razzia 19 år siden
#192 dolphinfriendly 19 år siden
Det var også lidt ment i sjov :).
Om ikke andet bliver det "interessant" at se, hvor mange der dukker op - forhåbentlig dem alle.
#193 Yoda 19 år siden
#194 McPeter 19 år siden
The Valiant: Deluxe Gift Set (5.1 EX/ DTS ES) - R3
Price: £8.99
Batman Begins: Deluxe Edition (2 Disc Set) - R3 - Price: £6.99
Spider-Man 2 (Superbit Collection) - R1 - Price: £5.99
Back To The Future: Ultimate Edition (4 Disc Set) DTS - R2 - Price: £13.99 (ca. 150kr)
The Frighteners: Special Edition (3 Disc Set) - R2 - Price: £9.99
Toy Story/ Toy Story 2: Special Edition Double Pack (4 Disc Set) - R2 - Price: £18.99 (ca. 200kr)
Alexander: Collector's Edition (Korean Import) - R3 - Price: £9.99
Pink Floyd: Pulse (2 Disc Set) - R0 - Price: £13.99 - Release/Despatch Date: Monday 23 Oct
Mallrats: 10th Anniversary Extended Edition - R1 - Price: £11.99
Hero: Director's Cut (6.1/ DTS ES) - R3 - Price: £8.99
Muppet Treasure Island: 50th Anniversary Edition - R2/R4-DK - Price: £9.99
Finding Nemo: Collector's Edition (2 Disc Set) DTS) - R2/R4 - Price: £9.99
Monsters, Inc (2 Disc Set THX) - R2/R4-DK! - Price: £9.99
The Incredibles: R2 til £9.99 og R2/R4 til £8.99 ?!
og sidst men bestemt ikke mindst:
Band Of Brothers: Complete Series (6 Disc Set) Tin Edition - R3/R4 (OBS: NTSC) - Price: £19.99 (dog uden DK subs)
#195 filmz-Kadann 19 år siden
#196 McPeter 19 år siden
#195 - Den eneste hjælp jeg har er bæveren:
#197 putandtake 19 år siden
Constant Gardener (Svensk Version) £10.99
#198 ks 19 år siden
#199 McPeter 19 år siden
Man bør nok også lægge mærke til: Soundtrack(s):
Mandarin DTS-ES 6.1 Discrete
Mandarin Dolby Digital 5.1 EX
Mod fx den R2 Germany - (Highlight - Premium Edition) med sølle:
Mandarin Dolby Digital 5.1
German DTS 5.1
German Dolby Digital 5.1
German WMA Pro 5.1 (Disc 3 Only)
Til gengæld opdagede jeg lige at der står at disc 3 indeholder:
* The Film - "Theatrical Version" (DVD-Rom HiDef WMV format)
hvilket da ser ganske interessandt ud?! Nogen der har den?
ved R0 China - (Guang Dong Face - Extended Version) står der:
* A watermark "FACE" pops up for 30 seconds every 5 minutes in the upper left corner. The watermark is part of the subtitle coding, so it disappears if you choose no subtitles.
* Non-subtitled opening and closing screens miss out key plot points.
* This is the DVD5 version without the DTS audio and featuring a shorter featurette.
* This disc suffers with a number of playback issues and the picture quality is noticeably inferior to the Edko release (although it does contain more picture information on all sides).
* Appears to be PAL to NTSC sourced.
Så alt i alt - det som #198 sagde... bare længere! ;-)
#200 McPeter 19 år siden