5/10 2001 - A Space Odyssey Dont Look Now It happened one night Kramer vs Kramer Master & Commander The Apartment The General
6/10 3:10 To Yuma As Good as it Gets Being John Malkovich Saturday Night Fever The Grapes of Wrath Vertigo
7/10 A Matter of Life And Death All About Eve Amadeus Annie Hall Barry Lyndon Das Leben der Anderen Dirty Harry Gettysburg Millers Crossing Modern Times Mystic River Some Like it Hot Thank You For Smoking The Best Years of Our Life The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance The Thin Red Line The Third Man There Will Be Blood Treasure of the Sierra Madre Wages of Fear Zodiac
8/10 8½ All The Presidents Men Ascenseur pour l'échafaud Closer Cool Hand Luke Fish Tank JFK Kingdom of Heaven Directors Cut LA Confidential La Grande Illusion Memento Moon North By Northwest Once Were Warriors Rear Window Roma Citta Aperta Rosemarys Baby The Insider The Omen The Outlaw Josey Wales The Shining The Sting The Thing Thirteen Days Tombstone Touch of Evil Truman Show Unforgiven Untergang Where Eagles Dare Wild at Heart
9/10 Alien American History X Anatomy of a Murder Apocalypse Now Au Revoir Les Enfants Casablanca Chinatown Citizen Kane City Lights Das Weisse Band Det sjunde Inseglet Die Hard Double Indemnity Dr Strangelove Festen Gegen Die Wand Gone With The Wind Good Night and Good Luck Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Heat Hotel Rwanda Il Conseguenze dell'amore In The Mood For Love Into The Wild It's a Wonderful Life L'Armée des Ombres (Army of Shadows) Laura Lawrence of Arabia Le Samurai Lost in Translation Låt den rätte komma in Michael Clayton Million Dollar Baby Monty Python & The Holy Grail Mr Smith Goes To Washington Mulholland Drive Network No Country For Old Men Nosferatu Notorious Oldboy One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Passion of Joan of Arc Paths of Glory Patton Pulp Fiction Raiders of the Lost Ark Rebecca Revolutionary Road Schindlers List Serpico Seven Samurai Shawshank Redemption Star Wars Sunset Boulevard The Adventures of Robin Hood The Assasination of Jesse James The Deer Hunter The Maltese Falcon The Notebook The Passion of the Christ The Philadelphia Story The Pianist To Kill A Mockingbird Viridiana What ever Happened To Baby Jane Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf
10/10 12 Angry Men Blade Runner Chihiro og heksene City of God Fellowship of the Rings Inherit The Wind Judgment at Nuremberg Nuovo Cinema Paradiso Once Upon a Time in America Pans Labyrinth Raging Bull Requiem For A Dream The Big Lebowski The Fountain The Godfather I+II Ikke set 25th Hour Advice and Consent Becket Bram Stokers Dracula Carlos Casino Royale Das Boot Fail-Safe Fitzcarraldo Frankenstein Ghost Writer Half Nelson Jaws Kenneth Branaghs Hamlet La Dolce Vita Le Cercle Rouge Man Who Would Be King Matchstick Men Midnight Express Naked Ne Le Dis a Personne Nightmare Before Christmas One False Move Prince of the City Red Riding Trilogy Repulsion Seven Days in May Silent Running Sullivans Travels Summer Hours (L'Heure d'ete) The American The Day of the Jackal The Hill The Incredibles The Innocents The Last Picture Show The Odd Couple The Player The Red Shoes The Spy Who Came in from the Cold The Three Musketeers They Shoot Horses, Dont They? Waterloo Bridge Ejer, men ikke set A Single Man Arsenic and old Lace Du rififi chez les hommes Harvey Psycho Secreto de Sus Ojos Strangers on a Train
Tak for vurderingen! Jeg skal se igennem fingre med din blasfemi mod flere af klassikerne og undlade at sætte en advokat på :)
Når det er sagt, så kan jeg se, der står en større udskiftning for døren af op imod 20 film, så måske man skulle kigge lidt på den en af de nærmeste dage.
Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos
#23 Jeg har kun set HGWMW én gang og jeg var overrasket over, hvor mørk en John Ford film det var, men selvfølgelig var den et produkt af tiden med WW2 rasende og analogier og metaforer gennemsyrede film. Jeg fandt den ihvertfald ikke intetsigende, men nu har jeg også meget let ved at "synke ind" i den tids film :)
#24 Nej. Måske OUATITW kommer med ved gensyn, nu den snart udkommer på BD, men GBU gør ikke. Som sagt finder jeg Outlaw Joses Wales en langt stærkere western. 3:10 ryger også ud fra listen næste gang.
Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos
#21 Skeloboy 14 år siden
Jeg kommenterer hjertens gerne på karakterne :)
How Green Was My Valley
Quiet Man
Singin in the Rain
2001 - A Space Odyssey
Dont Look Now
It happened one night
Kramer vs Kramer
Master & Commander
The Apartment
The General
3:10 To Yuma
As Good as it Gets
Being John Malkovich
Saturday Night Fever
The Grapes of Wrath
A Matter of Life And Death
All About Eve
Annie Hall
Barry Lyndon
Das Leben der Anderen
Dirty Harry
Millers Crossing
Modern Times
Mystic River
Some Like it Hot
Thank You For Smoking
The Best Years of Our Life
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Thin Red Line
The Third Man
There Will Be Blood
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Wages of Fear
All The Presidents Men
Ascenseur pour l'échafaud
Cool Hand Luke
Fish Tank
Kingdom of Heaven Directors Cut
LA Confidential
La Grande Illusion
North By Northwest
Once Were Warriors
Rear Window
Roma Citta Aperta
Rosemarys Baby
The Insider
The Omen
The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Shining
The Sting
The Thing
Thirteen Days
Touch of Evil
Truman Show
Where Eagles Dare
Wild at Heart
American History X
Anatomy of a Murder
Apocalypse Now
Au Revoir Les Enfants
Citizen Kane
City Lights
Das Weisse Band
Det sjunde Inseglet
Die Hard
Double Indemnity
Dr Strangelove
Gegen Die Wand
Gone With The Wind
Good Night and Good Luck
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Hotel Rwanda
Il Conseguenze dell'amore
In The Mood For Love
Into The Wild
It's a Wonderful Life
L'Armée des Ombres (Army of Shadows)
Lawrence of Arabia
Le Samurai
Lost in Translation
Låt den rätte komma in
Michael Clayton
Million Dollar Baby
Monty Python & The Holy Grail
Mr Smith Goes To Washington
Mulholland Drive
No Country For Old Men
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Passion of Joan of Arc
Paths of Glory
Pulp Fiction
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Revolutionary Road
Schindlers List
Seven Samurai
Shawshank Redemption
Star Wars
Sunset Boulevard
The Adventures of Robin Hood
The Assasination of Jesse James
The Deer Hunter
The Maltese Falcon
The Notebook
The Passion of the Christ
The Philadelphia Story
The Pianist
To Kill A Mockingbird
What ever Happened To Baby Jane
Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf
12 Angry Men
Blade Runner
Chihiro og heksene
City of God
Fellowship of the Rings
Inherit The Wind
Judgment at Nuremberg
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
Once Upon a Time in America
Pans Labyrinth
Raging Bull
Requiem For A Dream
The Big Lebowski
The Fountain
The Godfather I+II
Ikke set
25th Hour
Advice and Consent
Bram Stokers Dracula
Casino Royale
Das Boot
Ghost Writer
Half Nelson
Kenneth Branaghs Hamlet
La Dolce Vita
Le Cercle Rouge
Man Who Would Be King
Matchstick Men
Midnight Express
Ne Le Dis a Personne
Nightmare Before Christmas
One False Move
Prince of the City
Red Riding Trilogy
Seven Days in May
Silent Running
Sullivans Travels
Summer Hours (L'Heure d'ete)
The American
The Day of the Jackal
The Hill
The Incredibles
The Innocents
The Last Picture Show
The Odd Couple
The Player
The Red Shoes
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
The Three Musketeers
They Shoot Horses, Dont They?
Waterloo Bridge
Ejer, men ikke set
A Single Man
Arsenic and old Lace
Du rififi chez les hommes
Secreto de Sus Ojos
Strangers on a Train
#22 Bruce 14 år siden
Når det er sagt, så kan jeg se, der står en større udskiftning for døren af op imod 20 film, så måske man skulle kigge lidt på den en af de nærmeste dage.
#23 Skeloboy 14 år siden
2001 er der blevet snakket rigeligt om. Singin' In The Rain...altså, mig og musical er ikke gode venner.
How Green Was My Valley var en utrolig intetsigende og langtrukken historie, men den skal nok genses.
#24 Skeloboy 14 år siden
#25 Bruce 14 år siden
#24 Nej. Måske OUATITW kommer med ved gensyn, nu den snart udkommer på BD, men GBU gør ikke. Som sagt finder jeg Outlaw Joses Wales en langt stærkere western. 3:10 ryger også ud fra listen næste gang.