min engelsk stil 3-4/6 den ikke færdig og det er en filmanmeldese af Rambo 4
vis der nogen af der gider må i gerne læse den og bedømme mig og jeg kan tage alt ligefra 0/6-6/6
Movie facts Director: Sylvester Stallone Cast: Sylvester Stallone John Rambo, Julie Benz The women, Matthew Marsden Schoolboy, Graham Mactavish Mercenary. And more Production year: 2008 Country: USA, Thailand Language: English Running Time: 1 Hour and 28 min Censor: over 15! it contains strong violence, strong language. About the movie John Rambo or Rambo 4 is a new movie with the War Veteran John Rambo is a pumped up Ex soldier in the age 60. ( Sylvester Stallone) that lives in Thailand. Burma is at war against the rebellions because the soldiers are cruel against Civilians people killing them and torture them. Then a christen help team are going in to Burma and help the suffering people, but they need a boat to get to Burma. Then they are going to hire John Rambo but he won’t. But The Women on the team she is blond and beautiful and wants badly to help people she is 30-35. She convinced him to get them to Burma. Then Rambo and the team sailed to Burma and they got out of the boat and then the team leader Paul said he can go home. Rambo took he’s boat away back home to Thailand, then few days later the team have got to a village and helped people. Then the soldiers that think the rule over all come and burn the village to the ground and took the team and killed all the villages even the dogs. Rambo was told by an American Minister and he is going to send Mercenaries over to Burma and he are going to sail them. Rambo sailed them to Burma to save the Team and the mercenaries will get their money. If it success I won’t tell you it will just spoil the move.
What I think about the movie John Rambo, aka Rambo 4 is a good come back movie, Rambo has been long time ago when Rambo III came to the Cinema. But He’s back with a new Action Adventure that in my words is ”That Rambo Kicks ass in this movie”. Stallone are now 60 years old and still in condition to kick ass, in this movie he do it a lot. But the Story isn’t that something you yell”Bravo”. On The movie maybe goes to fast, and the ending is maybe too sweet. But do you like action and strong violence you come to the right movie. If you got a kid on 10 don’t show it to him its is the most Bloodies Rambo Movie for now. I can say they don’t save the blood they use it to much for my taste but we got different tastes. They story is a bit confusing, the Action is great, the Actors a okay but not great. After all I will give it 4 stars out of six.
Bedøm tak vis du vil :)
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it".
Uden at have læst det hele endnu...vil du gerne have én til at læse korrektur? Jeg kan godt rette den igennem for dig (stave-og grammatikfejl), og sende den rettede version til dig hvis du vil...og hvis det ikke er for megen snyd ;)
Smid din mail hvis du vil.
"he won the Nobel Prize for inventing the artificial appendix.”
* At min leder i dag meddelte, at hun har tænkt sig at belønne mine kvalifikationer med et ekstra løntrin - helt uden jeg har spurgt: 4/6
(Når den ikke ryger helt op er det, fordi der bliver lidt ekstra papirnusseri i det, dog heldigvis inden for skemaet, samt at der vist ikke kommer til at være den store forskel på lønsedlen ... Men en film eller to ekstra om måneden har jo også lidt at skulle have sagt, og på min gamle arbejdsplads havde lederen sgu taget den slags som en selvfølge!) :)
* At zombiekomedien Dance of the Dead lå i min postkasse, da jeg kom hjem: 5/6
(Kun 5, fordi jeg endnu ikke ved, om den er god og ikke lige ved, hvornår jeg får den set ...)
"nå jeg er i biffen så er der alt tid en der skal sparke i det sæd jeg sidder i"
#1781 Twister 15 år siden
At jeg skal op til eksamen i medietekstanalyse imorgen: 2/6
scenariet at jeg skulle trække "film" som emne: 6/6
scenariet at jeg skulle trække "Dokumentarfilm" som emne: 4/6
scenariet at jeg skulle trække "Mockumentary-film" som emne: 4/6
scenariet at jeg skulle trække "Tv-serier" som emne: 4/6
scenariet at jeg skulle trække "TV-talkshows" som emne: 2/6
scenariet at jeg skulle trække "Radio" som emne: 2/6
scenariet at jeg skulle trække "TV-nyheder" som emne: 2/6
......ja, de ser meget rigtigt ud. Men jeg trækker aldrig film :( man trækker aldrig det man allerhelst vil have om :s
#1782 Ericmase 15 år siden
#1783 Batsy 15 år siden
vis der nogen af der gider må i gerne læse den og bedømme mig og jeg kan tage alt ligefra 0/6-6/6
Movie facts
Director: Sylvester Stallone
Cast: Sylvester Stallone John Rambo, Julie Benz The women, Matthew Marsden Schoolboy, Graham Mactavish Mercenary. And more
Production year: 2008
Country: USA, Thailand
Language: English
Running Time: 1 Hour and 28 min
Censor: over 15! it contains strong violence, strong language.
About the movie
John Rambo or Rambo 4 is a new movie with the War Veteran John Rambo is a pumped up Ex soldier in the age 60. ( Sylvester Stallone) that lives in Thailand. Burma is at war against the rebellions because the soldiers are cruel against Civilians people killing them and torture them. Then a christen help team are going in to Burma and help the suffering people, but they need a boat to get to Burma. Then they are going to hire John Rambo but he won’t. But The Women on the team she is blond and beautiful and wants badly to help people she is 30-35. She convinced him to get them to Burma. Then Rambo and the team sailed to Burma and they got out of the boat and then the team leader Paul said he can go home. Rambo took he’s boat away back home to Thailand, then few days later the team have got to a village and helped people. Then the soldiers that think the rule over all come and burn the village to the ground and took the team and killed all the villages even the dogs. Rambo was told by an American Minister and he is going to send Mercenaries over to Burma and he are going to sail them. Rambo sailed them to Burma to save the Team and the mercenaries will get their money. If it success I won’t tell you it will just spoil the move.
What I think about the movie
John Rambo, aka Rambo 4 is a good come back movie, Rambo has been long time ago when Rambo III came to the Cinema. But He’s back with a new Action Adventure that in my words is ”That Rambo Kicks ass in this movie”. Stallone are now 60 years old and still in condition to kick ass, in this movie he do it a lot. But the Story isn’t that something you yell”Bravo”. On The movie maybe goes to fast, and the ending is maybe too sweet. But do you like action and strong violence you come to the right movie. If you got a kid on 10 don’t show it to him its is the most Bloodies Rambo Movie for now. I can say they don’t save the blood they use it to much for my taste but we got different tastes. They story is a bit confusing, the Action is great, the Actors a okay but not great. After all I will give it 4 stars out of six.
Bedøm tak vis du vil :)
#1784 wimmie 15 år siden
Smid din mail hvis du vil.
#1785 wimmie 15 år siden
#1786 Batsy 15 år siden
#1787 wimmie 15 år siden
En anden ting (hvis din mor ikke får det rettet), så skifter du mellem nutid og datid - husk at holde det hele i samme tid :)
#1788 Notional 15 år siden
#1789 MOVIE1000 15 år siden
#1790 evermind 15 år siden
* wimmies hjælpsomhed: 6/6
* At min leder i dag meddelte, at hun har tænkt sig at belønne mine kvalifikationer med et ekstra løntrin - helt uden jeg har spurgt: 4/6
(Når den ikke ryger helt op er det, fordi der bliver lidt ekstra papirnusseri i det, dog heldigvis inden for skemaet, samt at der vist ikke kommer til at være den store forskel på lønsedlen ... Men en film eller to ekstra om måneden har jo også lidt at skulle have sagt, og på min gamle arbejdsplads havde lederen sgu taget den slags som en selvfølge!) :)
* At zombiekomedien Dance of the Dead lå i min postkasse, da jeg kom hjem: 5/6
(Kun 5, fordi jeg endnu ikke ved, om den er god og ikke lige ved, hvornår jeg får den set ...)