Elephant Fight Club 12 Monkeys Into the Wild Låt den rätte komma in Cidade de Deus (City of God) Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The Se7en Pulp Fiction Zodiac American History X Thin Red Line, The Big Lebowski, The Fucking Åmål Irréversible Donnie Darko Good Bye Lenin! Oldeuboi (Oldboy) Knocked Up Almost Famous
I øvrigt fedt at se Into the Wild og Fucking Åmål på flere lister :)
"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye."
Synes ikke det var særlig nemt at lave en sådan en liste uden ofre...
Der Untergang Being John Malkovich Silence of the Lambs, The Into the Wild Seven Heat Before Sunrise Oldboy Cidade de Deus Babel Fight Club Man on the Moon Pulp Fiction Trainspotting Fucking Åmål Heat No Country for Old Men Thin Red Line, The Goodfellas Mystic River
Nikko was easy. Now it's your turn. One night you'll close your eyes, and when they open I'll be there. It'll be time to die
Så fandt jeg en ny film. Det var faktisk ikke så svært, da valget faldt på Where the wild things are. Her kommer den opdaterede liste:
Fountain, The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford, The Mononoke Hime Where the wild things are Beauty and the Beast, The Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi Requiem For A Dream There Will Be Blood El laberinto del fauno Låt den rätte komma in Se7en Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Matrix, The (500) Days of Summer Wall•E Toki o Kakeru Shōjo Gone Baby Gone Yīng Xióng Last of the Mohicans, The Kōkaku Kidōtai
Afsindig Alsidige Anmeldelser af Anders - http://neranders.wordpress.com/
Memento Moulin Rouge There will be Blood Saving Private Ryan Little Miss Sunshine El laberinto del fauno Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 28 Days Later Donnie Darko American Beauty Dancer in the Dark Sixth Sense, the Where the Wild things are (500) Days of Summer Magnolia Fall, the Shaun of the Dead Leon Shawshank Redemption, the Nightmare before Christmas, the
Puha, mange personlige favoritter måtte "lade livet" her ;)
"he won the Nobel Prize for inventing the artificial appendix.”
Skeloboy, er det til og MED den 31. januar vi har til at poste vores 2 X 20 film? Eller er der deadline den 30. januar? ... Jeg spørger, fordi jeg ikke vil poste mine egne 40 film, før jeg er færdig med tråden 'BN's Top 200'. Så jeg vil lige vide, nøjagtigt hvor lang tid jeg har. :-)
#71 neran 14 år siden
#72 Kruse 14 år siden
Fight Club
12 Monkeys
Into the Wild
Låt den rätte komma in
Cidade de Deus (City of God)
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The
Pulp Fiction
American History X
Thin Red Line, The
Big Lebowski, The
Fucking Åmål
Donnie Darko
Good Bye Lenin!
Oldeuboi (Oldboy)
Knocked Up
Almost Famous
I øvrigt fedt at se Into the Wild og Fucking Åmål på flere lister :)
#73 MouseMickey 14 år siden
Der Untergang
Being John Malkovich
Silence of the Lambs, The
Into the Wild
Before Sunrise
Cidade de Deus
Fight Club
Man on the Moon
Pulp Fiction
Fucking Åmål
No Country for Old Men
Thin Red Line, The
Mystic River
#74 neran 14 år siden
Fountain, The
assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford, The
Mononoke Hime
Where the wild things are
Beauty and the Beast, The
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
Requiem For A Dream
There Will Be Blood
El laberinto del fauno
Låt den rätte komma in
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The
Matrix, The
(500) Days of Summer
Toki o Kakeru Shōjo
Gone Baby Gone
Yīng Xióng
Last of the Mohicans, The
Kōkaku Kidōtai
#75 MouseMickey 14 år siden
Jeg elsker Fucking Åmål men jeg må indrømme at den måske lige havde sneget sig uden for min top 20. Men er det svært ikke at stemme en smule taktisk.
#76 Skeloboy 14 år siden
Men det går i Nerans tilfælde :)
#77 wimmie 14 år siden
Moulin Rouge
There will be Blood
Saving Private Ryan
Little Miss Sunshine
El laberinto del fauno
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
28 Days Later
Donnie Darko
American Beauty
Dancer in the Dark
Sixth Sense, the
Where the Wild things are
(500) Days of Summer
Fall, the
Shaun of the Dead
Shawshank Redemption, the
Nightmare before Christmas, the
Puha, mange personlige favoritter måtte "lade livet" her ;)
#78 BN 14 år siden
#79 Skeloboy 14 år siden
#80 BN 14 år siden
Tak skal du have.