En mulig tidslinje for menneskeheden frem til 23ende århundrede. Det lader til at der er lavet stort researcharbejde i siden. De fleste nørder elsker jo den slags, så jeg ville da lige dele :)
Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!
Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) supersedes Blu-Ray
These ultra-high density discs are capable of holding 1Tb of data - equivalent to over 200 DVDs. They work by analysing micro-holograms in 3D, rather than just markings on the surface. This allows data to be far more densely packed than conventional optical technology.
The price of storage per gigabyte is plummeting - from around $1 per gigabyte in 2006, to less than 10 cents now. This is an example of the trend of exponential progress (rather than linear) seen in forms of information technology.
HVD itself is in danger of becoming obsolete, before it has even been properly established. Solid state flash drives are increasingly being used for digital transfer, some with even higher capacities, along with read and write speeds faster than any optical disc. The new SDXC card format specification has already reached the 2TB mark.
Tror jeg ikke på. (2017) Tror ikke der kommer flere formater, da alt er data på en harddisk o.lign.
Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!
Apropos menneskehedens nutid og fremtid viser Cinemateket nu på fredag en dokumentar om systemteoretiker, antropolog og filosof Gregory Bateson efterfulgt af en debat med instruktøren og datteren Nora Bateson:
Den amerikanske fysiker og leder af Center for Ecoliteracy in Berkeley, Fritjof Capra, sagde efter Batesons død:
"Han var efter min mening en af de mest indflydelsesrige tænkere i det 20. århundrede. Det unikke i hans tænkning kom fra hans brede faglighed og generalisme. I en tidsalder præget af fragmentering og overspecialisering udfordrede Bateson de grundlæggende antagelser og metoder fra videnskaben ved at lede efter mønstre der forbinder forskellige fænomener og processer nedenunder de mere overfladiske strukturer (…).
Når vi erstatter den newtonske metafor for verden som en maskine med en netværksmetafor, og når kompleksiteten bliver et omdrejningspunkt i videnskaben, så er den form for systemisk tænkning, som Bateson stod for, afgørende.
Bateson lærte os at tænke i sammenhænge, og det er vigtigt i dag, ikke kun i videnskab, men også i politik og i samfundslivet. De fleste af vores politikere og virksomhedsledere viser en udpræget manglende evne til at tænke i sammenhænge. For eksempel, hvis vi forbedrer brændstoføkonomien i vores biler med blot 1,5 km/liter, hvilket meget nemt kan gøres, ville vi ikke være nødt til at importere olie fra Den Persiske Golf.
Men i stedet foretrækker vi at udkæmpe en krig, der dræber titusinder af uskyldige mennesker, mens de drivhusgasser, der produceres af vores biler øger styrken af orkaner, der gør millioner hjemløse og forårsager milliarder af dollars i skader.
Hvis vi serverer økologisk dyrket mad i vores skoler, ville vi for eksempel ikke have den aktuelle fedmeepidemi blandt vores børn, vi ville ikke forgifte vores landmænd, og det øgede kulstofindhold i den økologisk dyrkede jord ville absorbere betydelige mængder af CO2 og dermed bidrage til at vende de nuværende klimaforandringer. Kort sagt: For at løse de store problemer i vores tid har vi brug for netop den form for tænkning, Bateson satte i gang.
Gregory Bateson var ikke kun en fremragende videnskabsmand, men også en original filosof. Han var meget karismatisk, og som en zen-mester ruskede han op i folks forstillinger ved at spørge overraskende og tilsyneladende mystiske spørgsmål. "Hvad er det mønster," kunne Bateson pludselig spørge, "der forbinder krabber med hummere, orkidéer med primulaer, og dem alle fire med mig? Og mig med dig?"
'Today the purposes of consciousness are implemented by more and more effective machinery, transportation systems, airplanes, weaponry, medicine, pesticides and so forth. Conscious purpose is now empowered to upset the balances of the body, of society, and of the biological world around us. A pathology – a loss of balance – is threatened.
On the one hand we have the systemic nature of the individual human being, the systemic nature of the culture in which he lives, and the systemic nature of the biological ecological system around him; and on the other hand, the curious twist in the systemic nature of the individual man whereby consciousness is almost by necessity, blinded to the systemic nature of the man himself. Purposive consciousness, pulls out from the total mind, sequences which do not have the loop structure which is characteristic of the whole systemic structure. If you follow the common-sense dictates of consciousness you become, effectively, greedy and unwise.
Lack of systemic wisdom is always punished… Systems are punishing of any species unwise enough to quarrel with its ecology. Call the systemic forces God if you will.'
Throughout this time many dead celebrities, presidents and historical figures from the past are "resurrected" online, via the immense AI and supercomputing powers now available. This phenomenon is aided by the recent human brain simulations that have been made possible. Data mining of every single word ever spoken, written, or otherwise recorded by the person is undertaken, then analysed to recreate their character traits and emotions. This allows the construction of a highly accurate "shell" personality, surrounding a generic "core" program, run as an entirely independent AI simulation.
The project sparks much controversy when first announced (especially among the religious community) but soon gains momentum, as a whole host of actors, musicians, artists, scientists, politicians and other individuals from the past are made available.* Advanced holographic techniques - combined with real-time audio-visual interaction - make them appear as lifelike as any other person alive in the world today.
This form of computerised resurrection is soon extended and made possible for ordinary citizens wishing to preserve a loved one in digital form; though once again, it is more popular among the non-religious (and the process is generally less accurate, since the average person tends to leave behind less data, written words, video recordings and other information for use in constructing the programs). The technology involved is also expensive. It is used only by the rich for now - or in certain public locations such as museums, galleries and other venues.
Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!
In some cases, "hybrid" versions of holiday destinations are being created which offer wholly new, surreal and bizarrely dreamlike experiences. One such example might be a recreation of New York with a tropical coastline, populated by characters from Star Wars.
Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!
Så har jeg læst hele hjemmesiden. Det var de 2 dage værd. Jeg glæder mig usigeligt til fremtiden, hvis bare en brøkdel passer. Jeg læste bla. at folk født fra 60erne og opefter, kan forvente at blive 200 år gamle. Tænk hvad man kan nå at opleve? Og så glæder jeg mig til at få min egen android-slave og et virtual reality rum!!! (Ikke bare til hifi porno, men også til at komme til Herredet :D )
Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!
#1 davenport 12 år siden
En mulig tidslinje for menneskeheden frem til 23ende århundrede. Det lader til at der er lavet stort researcharbejde i siden.
De fleste nørder elsker jo den slags, så jeg ville da lige dele :)
#2 Highland Park 12 år siden
Især dette udgør ret underholdende læsning:
#3 davenport 12 år siden
#4 Highland Park 12 år siden
Det er der nok nogen, der skal blive glade for:
#5 davenport 12 år siden
These ultra-high density discs are capable of holding 1Tb of data - equivalent to over 200 DVDs. They work by analysing micro-holograms in 3D, rather than just markings on the surface. This allows data to be far more densely packed than conventional optical technology.
The price of storage per gigabyte is plummeting - from around $1 per gigabyte in 2006, to less than 10 cents now. This is an example of the trend of exponential progress (rather than linear) seen in forms of information technology.
HVD itself is in danger of becoming obsolete, before it has even been properly established. Solid state flash drives are increasingly being used for digital transfer, some with even higher capacities, along with read and write speeds faster than any optical disc. The new SDXC card format specification has already reached the 2TB mark.
Tror jeg ikke på. (2017)
Tror ikke der kommer flere formater, da alt er data på en harddisk o.lign.
#6 Highland Park 12 år siden
#7 davenport 12 år siden
Holographic recreations of dead people
Throughout this time many dead celebrities, presidents and historical figures from the past are "resurrected" online, via the immense AI and supercomputing powers now available. This phenomenon is aided by the recent human brain simulations that have been made possible. Data mining of every single word ever spoken, written, or otherwise recorded by the person is undertaken, then analysed to recreate their character traits and emotions. This allows the construction of a highly accurate "shell" personality, surrounding a generic "core" program, run as an entirely independent AI simulation.
The project sparks much controversy when first announced (especially among the religious community) but soon gains momentum, as a whole host of actors, musicians, artists, scientists, politicians and other individuals from the past are made available.* Advanced holographic techniques - combined with real-time audio-visual interaction - make them appear as lifelike as any other person alive in the world today.
This form of computerised resurrection is soon extended and made possible for ordinary citizens wishing to preserve a loved one in digital form; though once again, it is more popular among the non-religious (and the process is generally less accurate, since the average person tends to leave behind less data, written words, video recordings and other information for use in constructing the programs). The technology involved is also expensive. It is used only by the rich for now - or in certain public locations such as museums, galleries and other venues.
#8 davenport 12 år siden
In some cases, "hybrid" versions of holiday destinations are being created which offer wholly new, surreal and bizarrely dreamlike experiences. One such example might be a recreation of New York with a tropical coastline, populated by characters from Star Wars.
#9 davenport 12 år siden
Og så glæder jeg mig til at få min egen android-slave og et virtual reality rum!!! (Ikke bare til hifi porno, men også til at komme til Herredet :D )
#10 TP-DK 12 år siden