Her er tilhørende tekst, fra en gut, som har kigget nærmere:
I've spent some more time comparing the TV broadcast vs Blu-Ray screen caps and its not just the DNR and Edge Enhancement that's causing problems, Paramount cranked up the software "Scratch Removal" filter to 11. This filter has mistakingly removed several details from the film. Most notably when the Romans attack in the beginning, the flying arrows have been *erased*. At first I thought maybe this was some overzealous DNR, but the arrows were way too large to be filtered out as high frequency detail. The arrows are clearly present in the HDTV broadcast *and* the DVD. Unfortunately they move so quickly through the shot that they appear to the filtering software as scratches or tears on the film and they've been erased.
There are other examples where the scratch removal filter has altered the image substantially. Check out this shot
The filter has detected parts of the flames as film damage and tried to erase them.
Check out #3, left side of the screen part of the spear has been "painted" out. That shot also shows *horrendous* edge enhancement on the white text.
#7 shows all the missing arrows. Additionally check out the flame near the right side of the frame, its been inadvertently recognized as film damage and partially painted over as well.
#12 has some aweful EE. Check out the white force field seperating Crowe from the sky. The mountain range gets a nice halo too.
#16 shows the scratch filter actually working correctly. The broadcast shot has a huge scratch over the left actor's shoulder, which is gone in the BD. Again, the problem is that the software can't distinguish between a scratch like this and tiny arrows shooting across the screen.
#17 is an oustanding example of Edge Enhancement. Look at the red trims against the white robes, on the BD they all get thick white outlines.
Overall a really, really crappy effort on Paramount's part. This is what happens when a studio gets cheap on us. First they skip on rescanning the film and recycle an older HD master. Then to cut on labor costs they run the master through an automated software system that's been cranked up to "Noise Reduce", "Sharpen" and "Remove Scratches/Dust" rather than having video technicians oversee the process. They literally skipped paying to have someone spend an additional 1-2 days overseeing the prep on this master.
Det er simpelthen ikke iorden, at billedet er blevet ødelagt så meget af en software proces. Med det in mente vil jeg sgu revurdere video kvaliteten, uanset om det ser bedre ud end DVD'en. Det er ikke i orden, at der fjernes objekter fra en film!
Video: 3/10
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140
#1462 Ja det er vist sidste udvej! At Universal har lavet en udgivelse ud fra deres egen master og ikke brugt Paramounts!!! Det vil ikke være sjovt for amerikanerne, da region B'eren også er regionskodet. DET vil give ramaskrig i såfald.
Men nu glæder jeg mig godt nok endnu mere til at læse anmeldelserne. Der bliver rav i den, den kommende uge. Forhåbentlig er det Femte Element om igen.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140
Men fuck en dårlig nyhed at komme hjem til efter en mega lang dag... de ligner jo voks-figurer... :-(((
Må nok hellere afbestille min UK version just-in-case og vente på et review af den inden jeg køber den - tør simpelthen ikke kaste penge efter sådan noget makværk selvom jeg havde glædet mig meget. Håber ikke de fjolser også har fucked-up braveheart.
#1461 filmz-Bruce 15 år siden
Hurtige bevægelser er simpelthen blevet fjernet af en software proces, en filtreringsproces. Billederne herunder understøtter:
Billed sammenligning. Billed skifter ved at køre musen over og ud af billederne
Her er tilhørende tekst, fra en gut, som har kigget nærmere:
I've spent some more time comparing the TV broadcast vs Blu-Ray screen caps and its not just the DNR and Edge Enhancement that's causing problems, Paramount cranked up the software "Scratch Removal" filter to 11. This filter has mistakingly removed several details from the film. Most notably when the Romans attack in the beginning, the flying arrows have been *erased*. At first I thought maybe this was some overzealous DNR, but the arrows were way too large to be filtered out as high frequency detail. The arrows are clearly present in the HDTV broadcast *and* the DVD. Unfortunately they move so quickly through the shot that they appear to the filtering software as scratches or tears on the film and they've been erased.
There are other examples where the scratch removal filter has altered the image substantially. Check out this shot
The filter has detected parts of the flames as film damage and tried to erase them.
Check out #3, left side of the screen part of the spear has been "painted" out. That shot also shows *horrendous* edge enhancement on the white text.
#7 shows all the missing arrows. Additionally check out the flame near the right side of the frame, its been inadvertently recognized as film damage and partially painted over as well.
#12 has some aweful EE. Check out the white force field seperating Crowe from the sky. The mountain range gets a nice halo too.
#16 shows the scratch filter actually working correctly. The broadcast shot has a huge scratch over the left actor's shoulder, which is gone in the BD. Again, the problem is that the software can't distinguish between a scratch like this and tiny arrows shooting across the screen.
#17 is an oustanding example of Edge Enhancement. Look at the red trims against the white robes, on the BD they all get thick white outlines.
Overall a really, really crappy effort on Paramount's part. This is what happens when a studio gets cheap on us. First they skip on rescanning the film and recycle an older HD master. Then to cut on labor costs they run the master through an automated software system that's been cranked up to "Noise Reduce", "Sharpen" and "Remove Scratches/Dust" rather than having video technicians oversee the process. They literally skipped paying to have someone spend an additional 1-2 days overseeing the prep on this master.
Det er simpelthen ikke iorden, at billedet er blevet ødelagt så meget af en software proces. Med det in mente vil jeg sgu revurdere video kvaliteten, uanset om det ser bedre ud end DVD'en. Det er ikke i orden, at der fjernes objekter fra en film!
Video: 3/10
#1462 filmz-Utyske 15 år siden
#1463 filmz-Bruce 15 år siden
Men nu glæder jeg mig godt nok endnu mere til at læse anmeldelserne. Der bliver rav i den, den kommende uge. Forhåbentlig er det Femte Element om igen.
#1464 McPeter 15 år siden
Men fuck en dårlig nyhed at komme hjem til efter en mega lang dag... de ligner jo voks-figurer... :-(((
Må nok hellere afbestille min UK version just-in-case og vente på et review af den inden jeg køber den - tør simpelthen ikke kaste penge efter sådan noget makværk selvom jeg havde glædet mig meget. Håber ikke de fjolser også har fucked-up braveheart.
#1465 filmz-Bruce 15 år siden
Braveheart er GORGEOUS!!! Så flot som man kunne håbe på!!!
#1466 McPeter 15 år siden
#1467 McPeter 15 år siden
#1468 filmz-Bruce 15 år siden
#1469 filmz-Bruce 15 år siden
Faneme første gang i årevis, jeg overvejer at downloade en film. BEV HDTV versionen og så smide det lort ud :(
#1470 McPeter 15 år siden