Jep. Nu skal vi blot have Robert Harris med på vognen med en klar tilkendegivelse i hans "A few words about" klumme. Hans ord tillægges stor betydning.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:
The Movie Itself: 5/5 HD Video Quality: 4½/5 HD Audio Quality: 5/5 Supplements: 3/5 High-Def Extras: 2/5 Bottom Line: Must Own
"The Video: Sizing Up the Picture Filmed in the mid-90s, 'Braveheart' bursts onto Blu-ray with an HD transfer as spectacular as the rolling green hills of Northern England. The 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 transfer of 'Braveheart' is as near perfect as you can get for a catalog title. Sure, the transfer suffers from the occasional white specks and dust, but that's to be expected from a film approaching its fifteenth anniversary. The specks seem to become a bit more noticeable during the second hour of the film, but they calm down again toward the end. Some shots do appear a bit soft, like the quick shots of Longshanks lying in his bed towards the end of the film.
Yet other than these few, and minor complaints, this transfer scores top marks in every category. It's as close to reference material as you can get with a catalog title. The color palette is rich. Deep shades of green are in abundance, and the transfer handles every shade perfectly. The scene of Wallace hunting in the forest is one of the most richly detailed and colorful parts of the film. Everything from strands of hair blowing in the wind, to the fine links on chainmail are clear and concise. Technical anomalies like aliasing, macro-blocking, and noticeable edge enhancement weren't detected. This is a clean, beautiful transfer that reflects quite well the beauty of the cinematography and the film itself."
Jeg er ikke den største Neil Young fan, men hans kæmpe bokssæt af musik på blu-ray, var en stor udgivelse, som jeg dog stod over. Men nu er jeg lidt mere ekstatisk, for Tom Petty er på ved med 62 sange fra perioden 1978-2007 på blu-ray i både stereo og 5.1. Count me in!!!
Og nu ser jeg, at den nye Beatles boks er ude, hvor man i årevis har remasterede de gamle albums. På CD!!!!!!!!!!! Geeezus, vogn dog op for helvede og udgiv dem på blu-ray eller i SACD format.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:
Neil Young > Tom Petty any day! Efter min mening er han en af de største musikere igennem det sidste århundrede.. Mange gange større end din elskede (tør jeg sige det?) Bruce Springsteen.
"Og hvem vil ikke gerne guffe Klaus Kinski??" - evermind
#1551 Notional 15 år siden
*Arg man kan ikke linke til billeder på den skodside*.
Anywho se bruce's kildelink og se billedet af Colluseum med hesten foran. Himlen ligner dvd grums med EE.
#1552 filmz-Bruce 15 år siden
#1553 McPeter 15 år siden
The Movie Itself: 5/5
HD Video Quality: 4½/5
HD Audio Quality: 5/5
Supplements: 3/5
High-Def Extras: 2/5
Bottom Line: Must Own
"The Video: Sizing Up the Picture
Filmed in the mid-90s, 'Braveheart' bursts onto Blu-ray with an HD transfer as spectacular as the rolling green hills of Northern England. The 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 transfer of 'Braveheart' is as near perfect as you can get for a catalog title. Sure, the transfer suffers from the occasional white specks and dust, but that's to be expected from a film approaching its fifteenth anniversary. The specks seem to become a bit more noticeable during the second hour of the film, but they calm down again toward the end. Some shots do appear a bit soft, like the quick shots of Longshanks lying in his bed towards the end of the film.
Yet other than these few, and minor complaints, this transfer scores top marks in every category. It's as close to reference material as you can get with a catalog title. The color palette is rich. Deep shades of green are in abundance, and the transfer handles every shade perfectly. The scene of Wallace hunting in the forest is one of the most richly detailed and colorful parts of the film. Everything from strands of hair blowing in the wind, to the fine links on chainmail are clear and concise. Technical anomalies like aliasing, macro-blocking, and noticeable edge enhancement weren't detected. This is a clean, beautiful transfer that reflects quite well the beauty of the cinematography and the film itself."
#1554 b e c h 15 år siden
Come on guys, har vi ikke snart hørt nok, om den frygtelige Gladiator?
#1555 chronaden 15 år siden
#1556 filmz-Utyske 15 år siden
Sådan bruger man HD fornuftigt!
#1557 elwood 15 år siden
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#1558 Steffan Rasmussen 15 år siden
The Hut
#1559 filmz-Bruce 15 år siden
Og nu ser jeg, at den nye Beatles boks er ude, hvor man i årevis har remasterede de gamle albums. På CD!!!!!!!!!!! Geeezus, vogn dog op for helvede og udgiv dem på blu-ray eller i SACD format.
#1560 dyg 15 år siden