#516 Tusind tak for den! Det er sandsynligvis den bedste gennemgang af "hele situationen", som jeg har læst til dato og som fint ridser mareridtet op, hvis dette nu bliver doktrinen for studio branchens fremtidige satsninger. Absolut en situation, som ikke er understøttende for at fastholde en given kunstnerisk vision, skulle denne vise sig ikke at være kompatibel med best case scenario for en cost benefit analyse!
On top of this, Fox brought in two investment funds for big chunks of the risk, as well as getting Cameron himself to be on the hook for a slug of its cost—rumored to be $60 million. Having the director knee-deep in all this sort of financial engineering assures that creative decision-making will necessarily be secondary to the demands of the broadest possible mass audience. One of those outside financiers was quoted as saying, approvingly of course, “This wasn’t purely a creative process for them, like it is with some producers. Jon and Jim absolutely understood the need to cater to audience tastes.”
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140
#511 jessup 14 år siden
#512 Steffan Rasmussen 14 år siden
#513 evermind 14 år siden
Fona 2000 (den på Strøget i Kbh.) har Rædslernes hotel (The Beyond) til den latterligt favorable pris af 15 kr.!
#514 Thomsen 14 år siden
#515 jessup 14 år siden
#516 jessup 14 år siden
#517 filmz-Bruce 14 år siden
On top of this, Fox brought in two investment funds for big chunks of the risk, as well as getting Cameron himself to be on the hook for a slug of its cost—rumored to be $60 million. Having the director knee-deep in all this sort of financial engineering assures that creative decision-making will necessarily be secondary to the demands of the broadest possible mass audience. One of those outside financiers was quoted as saying, approvingly of course, “This wasn’t purely a creative process for them, like it is with some producers. Jon and Jim absolutely understood the need to cater to audience tastes.”
#518 El vez 14 år siden
#519 evermind 14 år siden
Dead Set er en del af Play.com's £5.00-kampagne!
Ejer I ikke allerede dette fremragende værk, er der ingen undskyldning for ikke at bestille! :)
#520 HelmerJ 14 år siden