
#1 Bruce 14 år siden

Yes! Den er god nok.

Stanley Kubrick: Limited Edition Collection on Blu-ray ($148.95 SRP) is a 9-film, 10-disc collection, which contains every film the director made since 1960. The collection features the film and bonus content from A Clockwork Orange 40thAnniversary Edition, the Blu-ray debuts of Lolita and Barry Lyndon, as well as the feature films Spartacus, Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, and Eyes Wide Shut. The Blu-ray collection will be elegantly boxed in new book-style premium packaging and will include a 40-page hard-cover book that explores the breadth of genres and themes in Kubrick’s work. The same group of films will be available on DVD in Stanley Kubrick: The Essential Collection ($74.92 SRP), which includes a 40-page soft-cover book.

The Blu-ray debuts of Lolita and Barry Lyndon in this 9-film collection have no listed extras. Spartacus and Dr. Strangelove will presumably be the discs already available from Universal and Sony respectively, while the rest of the titles are already available from Warner (details on those here).

Man kan stadig håbe at lorteudgaven af Spartacus er blevet restaureret til formålet.
Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos

#2 fazz 14 år siden

Smukt! :)
"If you figure a way to live without serving a master, any master, then let the rest of us know, will you? For you'd be the first person in the history of the world."

#3 HonoDelLoce 14 år siden

Puh ha.. Den kan man jo nok ikke helt afvise at overveje at investere i, når tid er! Føj, der er mange lækre film i én udgivelse lige der!
Jeg har intet problem med ikke at have ret. Det er kun, hvis nogen påpeger det, jeg bliver stædig!

#4 magnuskrog 14 år siden

Jeg vil minde jer om at udgaven kun er lavet til Region A indtil videre ..

#5 Antlion 14 år siden

Udgives "Barry Lyndon" separat? Jeg er ligeglad med de andre titler, da jeg ejer dem på BD i forvejen.

EDIT: Den franske version gør i hvert fald (link).

EDIT 2: Samt den tyske (link).

Så jeg er glad. :)

#6 JannikAnd 14 år siden

Og den danske...

#7 Bruce 14 år siden

Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos

#8 wimmie 14 år siden

Nice :D
"he won the Nobel Prize for inventing the artificial appendix.”

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