First Bruce: Well, Bruce, I heard the Prime Minister use it. "It's hot enough to boil a monkey's bum in here, Your Majesty," he said.
Man: That was not five minutes just now. Mr. Vibrating: I told you I'm not allowed to argue with you unless you've paid. Man: I just paid. Mr. Vibrating: No you haven't. Man: Yes I have. Mr. Vibrating: No you haven't. Man: Look, I don't want to argue about this. Mr. Vibrating: Well you didn't pay. Man: Aha! If I didn't pay, why are you arguing?See, I've got you. Mr. Vibrating: Not necessarily. I could be arguing in my spare time. Man: I've had enough of this. Mr. Vibrating: No you haven't.
I teorien er der ingen forskel på teori og praksis. I praksis er der
Why is it that nobody remembers the name of Johann Alm von AusfernSchplendenSchlitterCrasscrenbonFriedDiggerDingleDangleDongleDungleBurstein von KnackerThrasherAppleBangerHorowitzTicolensicGranderKnottySpelltinkleGrandlichGrumblemeyerSpelterwasserKurstlichHimbleeisenBahnwagenGutenabendBitteEinNurnburgerBratwustleGernspurtenMitzWeimacheLuberHundsfutGumberaberShonedankerKalbsfleischMittlerAucher von Hautkopft of Ulm?
Det kunne jeg engang udenad....
Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!
Ahh æ ikke hjemme i aften, men så må jeg lige smutte i fona2000 imorgen og købe den. Har lige pludselig fået en en ustyrlig lyst til at se monty python :D
Hold til gengæld fingrene fra den billige 'Life is Monty', der har en bankrøver i fangedragt på forsiden. Det er nogle underlige pseudo-versioner af kendte sketches.
#11 Æsop9000 18 år siden
First Bruce: Hot enough to boil a monkey's bum.
Second Bruce: That's a strange expression, Bruce.
First Bruce: Well, Bruce, I heard the Prime Minister use it. "It's hot enough to boil a monkey's bum in here, Your Majesty," he said.
Man: That was not five minutes just now.
Mr. Vibrating: I told you I'm not allowed to argue with you unless you've paid.
Man: I just paid.
Mr. Vibrating: No you haven't.
Man: Yes I have.
Mr. Vibrating: No you haven't.
Man: Look, I don't want to argue about this.
Mr. Vibrating: Well you didn't pay.
Man: Aha! If I didn't pay, why are you arguing?See, I've got you.
Mr. Vibrating: Not necessarily. I could be arguing in my spare time.
Man: I've had enough of this.
Mr. Vibrating: No you haven't.
#12 Bates 18 år siden
#13 davenport 18 år siden
Det kunne jeg engang udenad....
#14 elwood 18 år siden
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#15 enfilmnørd 18 år siden
Life of Brian i aften fra DR2(21.00)
"To do whatever you tell me drill sergeant!"
"God dammit, Gump! You a god damn genius.
#16 elwood 18 år siden
tak for det.
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#17 Bates 18 år siden
#18 Æsop9000 18 år siden
og så en af de mest geniale scener fra monty pythons skøre riddere (hekse scenen):
edit: #15 - nåja, tak for påmindelsen om Life of Brian på dr2
#19 dyg 18 år siden
#20 18 år siden