"You cannot fight: 1. If you're in different places; physical impossibility. 2. If you're of different ranks; breach of discipline. And 3. If the State is at war; duels of nations take absolute precedence. Therefore, keep away from him, keep ahead of him and put your trust in Bonaparte."
#2921 Antlion 13 år siden
"A good marriage settles down quietly, like moss."
#2922 Kruse 13 år siden
#2923 Antlion 13 år siden
#2924 Antlion 13 år siden
B: "I once knew a woman who was beaten to death by a man. I don't think it surprised her at all."
#2925 Antlion 13 år siden
#2926 Antlion 13 år siden
#2927 Steffan Rasmussen 13 år siden
#2928 Antlion 13 år siden