
#531 Highland Park 14 år siden

Hvad med mit gæt i #482?
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#532 BN 14 år siden

BN (518) skrev:
Hvis det er dén 'Moon River', så er det formentlig Audrey Hepburn selv der synger den - det gjorde hun ihvertfald i filmen 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'. Men spørgsmålet er, om en anden professionel sangerinde står for plade-versionen? (Dette er så sagt, uden at jeg har hørt de 15 numre, Skeloboy.)

Rigtigt eller forkert?

EDIT: HAR hørt den nu, og det ER Audrey Hepburn fra 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'.

#533 Highland Park 14 år siden

#529: Både og for jeg kender skam godt sangen. :)
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#534 Skeloboy 14 år siden

#530 - 12'eren er Bon Jovi...;)

Og lige for at korrekse, så hedder bandet Bon Jovi, og kunstnernavnet til forsangeren er Jon Bon Jovi

#531 -
Skeloboy (496) skrev:
Her er den helt opdaterede liste(fra #495)

#532 - det havde jeg overset, men det er helt rigtigt :)

2: Men Without Hats - Safety Dance - ? (Solhanne / Solhanne / - )
4: Alanis Morrissette - ? - ? (Highland Park / - / - )
6: Tina Turner - We Don't Need Another Hero - Mad Max 3 (Highland Park / Popeye / Solhanne )
7: Harry Nilsson - Everybody's Talking - Midnight Cowboy (Solhanne / Highland Park / Highland Park )
8: Public Enemy - Fight the Power - Do the Right Thing (Solhanne / Solhanne / Solhanne)
9: Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me - The Breakfast Club (Kruse/ Kruse / Kruse)
10: Audrey Hepburn - Moon River - Breakfast at Tiffany's (BN / Highland Park / BN )
12: Bon Jovi - Blaze of Glory - Young Guns II (Highland Park / Highland Park / Solhanne )
13: ? - ? - Into The Wild (- / - / Solhanne )
14: Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes - Up Where We Belong - Officer & Gentleman (Highland Park & Solhanne / Highland Park / Solhanne )
15: Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise - Dangerous Minds (Highland Park / Kruse / Highland Park )

Der mangles:
1: Alt
2: Filmnavn
3: Alt
4: Sangtitel og film
5: alt
11: Alt
13: Band og og sangtitel

#535 Popeye 14 år siden

3 Christopher Cross - Best That You Can Do - ?
...and then some

#536 Steffan Rasmussen 14 år siden

Skeloboy (534) skrev:
13: Band og og sangtitel

Eddie Vedder?
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

#537 Skeloboy 14 år siden

#535 og 536: korrekt

2: Men Without Hats - Safety Dance - ? (Solhanne / Solhanne / - )
3: Christopher Cross - Best That You Can Do - ? (Popeye / Popeye / - )
4: Alanis Morrissette - ? - ? (Highland Park / - / - )
6: Tina Turner - We Don't Need Another Hero - Mad Max 3 (Highland Park / Popeye / Solhanne )
7: Harry Nilsson - Everybody's Talking - Midnight Cowboy (Solhanne / Highland Park / Highland Park )
8: Public Enemy - Fight the Power - Do the Right Thing (Solhanne / Solhanne / Solhanne)
9: Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me - The Breakfast Club (Kruse/ Kruse / Kruse)
10: Audrey Hepburn - Moon River - Breakfast at Tiffany's (BN / Highland Park / BN )
12: Bon Jovi - Blaze of Glory - Young Guns II (Highland Park / Highland Park / Solhanne )
13: Eddie Vedder - ? - Into The Wild (Solhanne / - / Solhanne )
14: Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes - Up Where We Belong - Officer & Gentleman (Highland Park & Solhanne / Highland Park / Solhanne )
15: Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise - Dangerous Minds (Highland Park / Kruse / Highland Park )

#538 Steffan Rasmussen 14 år siden

11. Det er sgu da en af Shrek filmene. 2'eren tror jeg.
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

#539 Michael Andersen 14 år siden

#530 - 12'eren er Bon Jovi...;)

Og lige for at korrekse, så hedder bandet Bon Jovi, og kunstnernavnet til forsangeren er Jon Bon Jovi.

12'eren er Jon Bon Jovi :D Soundtracket til "Young Guns II" var et soloprojekt og uden bandet Bon Jovi.
Smile, you son of a bitch!

#540 Skeloboy 14 år siden

#538 - det er sgu helt ok, det der :)

1: ? - ? - ?
2: Men Without Hats - Safety Dance - ? (Solhanne / Solhanne / - )
3: Christopher Cross - Best That You Can Do - ? (Popeye / Popeye / - )
4: Alanis Morrissette - ? - ? (Highland Park / - / - )
5: ? - ? - ?
6: Tina Turner - We Don't Need Another Hero - Mad Max 3 (Highland Park / Popeye / Solhanne )
7: Harry Nilsson - Everybody's Talking - Midnight Cowboy (Solhanne / Highland Park / Highland Park )
8: Public Enemy - Fight the Power - Do the Right Thing (Solhanne / Solhanne / Solhanne)
9: Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me - The Breakfast Club (Kruse/ Kruse / Kruse)
10: Audrey Hepburn - Moon River - Breakfast at Tiffany's (BN / Highland Park / BN )
11: ? - ? - Shrek 2 ( - / - / Shrek 2)
12: Bon Jovi - Blaze of Glory - Young Guns II (Highland Park / Highland Park / Solhanne )
13: Eddie Vedder - ? - Into The Wild (Solhanne / - / Solhanne )
14: Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes - Up Where We Belong - Officer & Gentleman (Highland Park & Solhanne / Highland Park / Solhanne )
15: Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise - Dangerous Minds (Highland Park / Kruse / Highland Park )

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