Vi skal bruge en projektor i vores forening i et ret lyst lokale på ca. 40 kvm, der er 4 vinduer i den ene ende. Projektoren skal bl.a. bruges til tv, spil på konsol, musikvideo og film og nogengange skal det være om eftermiddagen hvor der er ret lyst. Budgettet er max 15.000 kr.
Jeg har kigget på sanyo z5 da det lyder fra andre tråde herinde fra at den skulle være ret god, men er den også god når der er lyst?
Sanyo Z5 er en super projektor, men du skal nok vælge Panasonic AX100 i stedet, da den er meget lysstærk, 2000 lumens og vil gøre sig bedre i et rum, hvor der er lyst!
tak for hjælpen, det lyder fornuftigt.. det er helt klart panasonicen vi skal bruge, den koster dog 'kun' 10.000, kan man få noget bedre hvis man giver 15.000 kroner? Er det noget med at den skal kalibrerer?
Before we get going with the the usual start - considering how well the Panasonic handles flesh tones - I want to start with brightness instead. This is the brightest home theater projector I have tested yet, with the exception of a $20,000 SIM2.
And that is a wonderful thing. The Panasonic PT-AX100U can work in brighter rooms than most other projectors. It's not a night and day difference, as you will see, but it's enough extra horsepower to make a real difference for most owners. I'm a sports fan - especially college football (go Penn State). When you have some friends over to watch, you don't want the room really dark, it's just not appropriate. The Panasonic has that extra edge that will let you have some lights on, or even a little light from outside, and still enjoy an excellent image
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:
#1 frygtl0s 17 år siden
Jeg har kigget på sanyo z5 da det lyder fra andre tråde herinde fra at den skulle være ret god, men er den også god når der er lyst?
Gode råd modtages gerne...
#2 filmz-Bruce 17 år siden
Via Projector Discount
Via Tyskland
Shoot out mod Z5'eren
#3 frygtl0s 17 år siden
#4 filmz-Bruce 17 år siden
Taget fra Projectorreviews:
Before we get going with the the usual start - considering how well the Panasonic handles flesh tones - I want to start with brightness instead. This is the brightest home theater projector I have tested yet, with the exception of a $20,000 SIM2.
And that is a wonderful thing. The Panasonic PT-AX100U can work in brighter rooms than most other projectors. It's not a night and day difference, as you will see, but it's enough extra horsepower to make a real difference for most owners. I'm a sports fan - especially college football (go Penn State). When you have some friends over to watch, you don't want the room really dark, it's just not appropriate. The Panasonic has that extra edge that will let you have some lights on, or even a little light from outside, and still enjoy an excellent image
#5 frygtl0s 17 år siden