
#21 filmz-yoshimura 19 år siden

Jeg tror sgu, jeg nupper sådan en ;o)
the buses that charged past so overflowing with passengers that from the outside they looked like they were making a rush delivery of spare limbs to some far-off war

#22 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden

Jeg SKAL sgu vinde i lotto i år! Har lige læst at dens tvilling AVC-A1XV forstærkeren er helt vild og hvis der også kommer en Z4'er fra Sanyo, ja så er jeg jo helt fucked.

Denne detaljerede artikel omhandler dens nye selvkalibrerende Audyssey MultEQ system. Hvis man ikke gider gennemlæse den, så er konklusionen ret klar.

The Demonstration
I had been intending to rent the “Standing in the Shadows of Motown” DVD-Video for quite a while, but hadn’t. So unfortunately, I thought, I would be going into yet another of the hundreds of audio demos I had heard over the years, without a good point of reference, such as how this acclaimed documentary might sound on my home system.

Chris cued up track 1, the live concert segment featuring Joan Osborn's rendition of “(Love is Like a) Heat Wave”. Further thoughts of any reason for an A-B with my well set-up home system vanished. After thirty years in this business; as a Product Manager, as a speaker designer; even as a trained listener in Harman’s well-regarded (and very neutral) Multi-channel Listening Lab, I have never heard such a monumental improvement in the sound of an audio system as I heard with the Denon AVR-5805 with MultEQ engaged.

Conversely, the sound of the Klipsch left/center/right trio without MultEQ engaged was distinctly Klipsch and resided in each of the three front speakers at their 4’ height level. Joan’s voice came from the center channel and the sounds of the band and crowd could be heard neatly separated to their appropriate left and right positions. In the rear, the crowd sounds could be distinctly heard to our left and right with a gap in the crowd sound between the left side surround and left front speaker and with a similar gap between the right side surround and right front speaker.

With MultEQ engaged once again the entire surround sound stage defined by the crowd wrapped completely around us in a 360 degree circumference as if we were situated at the camera angle as seen on the screen, about 30 feet back in the audience from the stage. In addition, the crowd sound had both depth and height, adding to the 3 dimensional effect. The crowd clapping was distinct and individually delineated for audience members who had been close to the surround microphones. Up front, Joan’s voice and the sound of the band were up at exactly their height and spread precisely across the stage as depicted on the screen. (This was three feet above the actual height of the speakers!)

Wishlist hos Axelmusic:

#23 filmz-vassago 19 år siden

Tror ikke at der kommer en sanyo på banen de næste mange måneder. Men man kan jo kun håbe at det bliver en 1920x1080 projektor når en evt. Z4 kommer :)
"For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake" - A. Hitchcock

#24 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden

#23 Det håber jeg heller ikke ;) Men om et års tid, må den godt komme!
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:

#25 filmz-yoshimura 19 år siden

Aargh! Det bliver en dyr hjemmebio, jeg skal have sat op, og hvordan skal jeg så få råd til en Classé cd-afspiller og forstærker (til 80.000,- stive bananer!)?
the buses that charged past so overflowing with passengers that from the outside they looked like they were making a rush delivery of spare limbs to some far-off war

#26 filmz-vassago 19 år siden

hvad skal man med en cd-afspiller i en hjemmebiograf?
"For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake" - A. Hitchcock

#27 nakalay 19 år siden

#26 Afspille cd'er? ;)
We've got chicken tonight. Strangest damn things. They're man made.

#28 filmz-yoshimura 19 år siden

#26 Det var nu ikke til min hjemmebiograf, men til min stue. Det er ikke så fedt at sætte skiver på for fuld knald i kælderen, når man opholder sig i stuen ovenpå ;0)
the buses that charged past so overflowing with passengers that from the outside they looked like they were making a rush delivery of spare limbs to some far-off war

#29 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden

#28 Bare rolig. DVD-A1XV kan afspille DVD audio og SACD og dermed også CD'ere ;) AVC-A1XV kan styre to sæt højttalere i forskellige rum. Så det bliver da billigt....hehe :)
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:

#30 filmz-yoshimura 19 år siden

#29 Tjoh, men det bliver saftsusme dyrt i kabler, hvis min opsætning kommer til at stå som planlagt. Så bliver det noget i retning af 2x30 meter højttalerkabel, som så bliver til 120 meter kabel, hvis man kører bi-wiring. Så bliver det nok ikke Tara Labs' dyre model.

Men man har da lov at drømme ... også om Classé (mums!)
the buses that charged past so overflowing with passengers that from the outside they looked like they were making a rush delivery of spare limbs to some far-off war

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