Søndag brød der en større ildebrand ud i Universal Studios, som det tog 200 brandmænd at bekæmpe.
Senere på dagen åbnede studiet igen for besøgende, men inden da havde ilden krævet sine ofre. Udover at tre brandmænd fik mindre skader, brændte en række filmkulisser ned, inklusive kulisser fra “Tilbage til fremtiden” – det berømte tårnur, der spiller en afgørende rolle i filmen, blev endvidere beskadiget.
Desuden blev tusindvis af de videobånd og originale filmruller, der indeholder alle film og serier, som Universal nogensinde har produceret, slugt af flammerne. Filmfans kan dog godt ånde lettet op, da filmstudiet ifølge direktøren for NBC Universal har dubletter gemt væk et andet sted.
#11 nostromo 16 år siden
It looks like more was damaged or destroyed in today's Universal Studios fire than anyone previously thought. I've learned that Universal Music, which is a completely separate company and owned by Vivendi (which owns 20% of NBC Universal), rents space in the huge video vault housed on the studio lot. But one source tells me that, as a consequence, inside the video vault that was billowing thick black smoke were 1000's of original Decca, MCA, ABC recording masters from the last century including a wide range of music from Bing Crosby and the Andrew Sisters to Judy Garland and The Carpenters. "This is a tremendous loss in music history. A very sad day indeed. It's too bad they saved the videos that they have backups on instead of the master recordings in which they do not, although they may not have had a choice since the fire had already engulfed much of the music side of the vault," a source just told me. Universal Studios can't confirm what has been damaged or destroyed music-wise at this point because it doesn't yet know what exactly was housed in the storage rented to Universal Music.
#12 McPeter 16 år siden
#13 filmkorn.dk 16 år siden
#14 filmz-Fjolle 16 år siden
Det er helt klart karma at den er brændt ned ;)