Filmatiseringen af He-Man er så småt ved at tage form. Nicholas Cage skal efter sigende spille rollen som He-Mans nemesis, Skeletor.
Derved slår Cage og instruktøren John Woo endnu engang de krative pjalter sammen. De arbejdede sidst sammen på actionfilmen “Windtalkers”.
Jason Lewis (“Beverly Hills 90210”, “Sex and the City”) bliver at finde i titelrollen som den hårdtpumpede He-Man.
#21 PredatorX 20 år siden
Hey Don't mock Brad Pitt or Eric Bana. Those guys have talent! If you think Brad is yet another pretty boy, then I suggest you see "Kalifornia" as soon as possible. He is nasty in that movie. Eric Bana is pretty ugly but the boy can act! Watch "Chopper" and see him stretch his acting muscles, it's a feast for the eyes.
The online petitions idea... It's a pretty scary thought, and I wouldn't even be surprised if it actually happens one day.
Hmmm... why in the hell am I writing in english when you clearly understand danish...
#22 filmz-Zikor4 20 år siden
#23 filmz-vassago 20 år siden
#24 filmz-phalanx 20 år siden