Der er netop dukket en trailer op til den kommende film fra Pedro Almodovar, “Volver”.

Filmen finder sted i Madrid, og foregår i et arbejderkvarter hvor immigranter fra forskellige spanske provinser deler deres drømme, liv og held med en masse forskellige etniske grupper.

I hjertet af historien finder man tre kvinder fra forskellige generationer, der overlever vind, ild og døden, takket være godhed.

Filmen har bl.a. Penelope Cruz på rollelisten, og får premiere til november.

Vis kommentarer (16)

#11 nostromo 17 år siden

Bruce, thanks man, will do... Is it safe to bring some photographic gear with me to that trip?

Do you have any cool links I can look at while flying over yonder? I have my laptop with me and I was told I can surf the web, from their airlines... I have not done this before... Kind of keen on seeing how fast the web is... How the hell does it work anyway? It must be a satellite feed...

Thanks Bruce.. Will talk to you later... Plane leaves in 4 hours...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#12 filmz-Exitium 17 år siden

Better get going ;D!
"I dont wanna discuss how my fucking coffee tast like!"

#13 filmz-Bruce 17 år siden

#11 It is safe :)


Can't seem to find anything about the fighter plane tour, but it was available in 1990 :D You'll find it!

Wishlist hos Axelmusic:

#14 nostromo 17 år siden


Duuuuude thanks for the awesome link!

Will check it out for sure...

Alo ha!!

; )

PS. I thought I was carrying a lot of crap with me (laptop + Camera Gear)... my woman is insane! it is only for a couple of months and she is packing the entire damn house... what a freak!! If she was one of those crashed in LOST, she'd be Shannon... She kind of looks like her... hmmm... :/
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#15 ks 17 år siden

Shannon's pretty hot, so you shouldn't complain :)

#16 MikkelHJ 17 år siden

#14 Hey, just look at all the crap Gilligan, the Skipper too, the millionaire and his wife, the movie star, the professor and Mary Ann brought aboard the Minnow. Sure, the professor put it all to good use, when they stranded on the shore of this uncharted desert isle, but the fact remains that it was only supposed to be a three hour tour.

My point is that you never know, what could happen.
Don't you dare take Miles. You can take the children, but you leave me my monkey.

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