Christina Rosendahl er netop blevet færdig med filmuddannelsen Super16 og har nu fået 7 mio. kr i DFI-støtte til sit kommende projekt, ungdomsfilmen “Spåkop”.

“Spåkop” – der forventes at få premiere i sommeren 2006 – handler om tre teenage-piger, der er trætte af at blive betragtet som børn. De opfinder deres eget overgangsritual, en spåkop, og begynder at udforske deres seksuelle grænser.

Man vil blandt andre kunne se Charlotte Sieling, Nikolaj Coster Waldau, Karen-Lise Mynster, Emma Leth og Amalie Lindegaard på rollelisten.

Rosendahl fik i 2002 stor succes med dokumentarfilmen “Stjernekigger” om sin søsters nu opløste band Swan Lee og vandt i 2001 talentkonkurrencen CloseUp.

Vis kommentarer (19)

#1 davenport 18 år siden

Jeg hader film om unge piger, der udforsker deres seksualitet. Det er bare så kedeligt at se på....
Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!

#2 18 år siden

Fucking Åmål er der underholdende... ;-)

#3 nostromo 18 år siden

I am getting sick of the fact that all the attention always goes to these women directors in Denmark. And they ALL make movies such as these. Don't they have any fantasy in them? MUST it always be about sex, relationships and degrading humor?

Where are the male directors? Don't they have anything better to offer? Each time I visit DK, the movies shown at the theaters are ALWAYS some kind of "I'm gay you're gay we're all gay", "I married my mother", "I play with my self", "I'm an idiot or was that THE Idiots" etc. I'd just like to see some good old fashioned danish humor without the explicit sex themes. I know they can make something that DOES not have to be vulgar.

Please someone tell me what to watch, and why I should spend anymore time in these "done before a zillion times" movies?

My soon to be wife, raves on about how shitty Danish films have become. But when I first met her in DK, I had a different impression. What went wrong?

PS. Does anyone know if Serenity will hit the theaters in DK? I am coming over once more in about a month to spend the holidays with the in-laws. I REALLY WANT TO SEE Serenity, the firefly movie.
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#4 davenport 18 år siden

I think it derailed when they decided only to use the same 5-6 actors, and a couple of guys to write all the scripts.
It´s just repitation on repitation, and I don´t think it´ll change any time soon. Not as long as there is an audience, and there seem to be just that at the moment.

Congrats on the upcoming wedding, by the way :)
Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!

#5 Nikmi 18 år siden

hvorfor fanden skriver i jeres kommentar på engelsk :P

#6 The Insider 18 år siden

Det var da en ubehagelig hård omgang kritik. Rosendahl har altså talent, så jeg glæder mig personligt.
War. War never changes.

#7 davenport 18 år siden

Nostromo er fra New Zealand
Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!

#8 nostromo 18 år siden

Davenport, Thanks man... You're the first to congratulate me. We just announced it a week ago...

And yeah, I see your point, it is just that when ever I come visiting, (naturally I have to see what's playing). I always find my self looking through the story lines, only to think "Am I ready the story of a sequel?". And most of all, they just, as you say, use the same actors and actresses. I doubt there aren't more, exiting people out there. Even better ones if I may say.

I think the time to play it safe has reached its breaking point a long time ago.

I wouldn't mind seeing Danes, trying to make a remake or Danish version of some of the good French movies.... Or rather what I was really thinking, American movies. Ask them for the rights to an old 70ies movie and that's all. Hell, when I was in India, they were showing movies that were complete rip offs.. Like Star Wars and Terminator. Oh and even Logans run, which wasn't too bad. I think I bought it on VCD back then. Just cause it was so strange to see a bunch of Punjabi speaking people uttering the words, you could sense were in connection with the Logans run story. They even called the bad guys for "Sandmen".

So my point being is, that they shouldn't be afraid of making remakes, some might turn out better than the US version. Hell if they can rip us off then why can't we?

Oh and Davenport, we've got another case of "hvorfor fanden skriver i jeres kommentar på engelsk".... ;-)
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#9 gi-jones 18 år siden

7 mio, er ellers ikke så lidt for en debut.
Gi' dog pengene til Afrika... De har mere brug for dem.

#10 nostromo 18 år siden

#6 I am sorry for my honesty, but that is how I see it. I don't dislike all Danish movies, I only don't like the new ones, cause they try to be so American and yet, they suffer in all the wrong places. I know they can show great stories told by great Directors and actors etc. But I have yet to see one that does not break some new grounds, just cause they allow to show a person jerkin off or masterbating or doing something that has not been seen on TV before. Don't aim for being daring, aim to being great!

Look at how the stories were told in the old days and what made them worth seeing today as well. I think most if not all people in DK, have forgotten the joys of the old movies they made in DK.

My favorite Dk, movie is Boys from Saint Peters or something like that. It was the first movie I got from my girlfriend and he got it to me with English subtitles. I have no idea where she got it from... So, take no ill effects by what I wrote Nikmi, I just feel that instead of doing something new, they always do something old and pointless...

In fact when I had my best friends sister and her husband visiting DK, they said the very same thing.

Oh and does anyone think that Danish DVDs, will ever come out with English subtitles? I hate when they don't have any. Like in France they have awesome movies and I cannot show them to anyone who does not understand French.

I hate to have Cecilia translate each and everything during a movie, my mother has a tendency to ask about EVERYTHING.

At least the Asians, have the decency to put English subtitles on their dvds.

I would like to show my folks some of the old Danish movies with Dirch or Dirk Passer.

Let me put it this way, it would be nice to see some Danish movies on the shelves in my local DVD store or online. See I can get, French, Asian hell even Spanish DVDs with English subtitles and it appeals to a vast group of people. So you can sell it world wide. I am talking about a broader aspect of viewers. Not what they might show in Finland for those few people there. We are not talking about the limitations of a countries culture. Even that can be accepted, like the asian romantic movies or comedies. IF they can why can't the Danish break through to a larger community of people from around the world?

That's all I am saying...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

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