“Aliens vs. Predator 2” gør sig ganske godt som tilfældig underholdning, og den hæver da også niveauet i forhold til sin jammerlige forgænger. Historien er knap så tåbelig, teknisk set er den ganske fermt sat sammen, om end klipningen bliver lige rodet nok i perioder, og referencer til de to franchises vil utvivlsomt begejstre. Men når alt kommer til alt, så er der stadig tale om en temmelig konventionelt opbygget film, som ikke rigtig forsøger at løsrive sig fra sine genrerammer. Og uden Califoniens guvernør og dennes charme på rollelisten eller Cameron bag kameraet så er der ikke for alvor noget, der kan løfte denne film over det jævnt underholdende.
Skriv ny kommentar:
#111 mr gaijin 17 år siden
#112 Benway 17 år siden
I have spent a long time, starting at birth and continuing until this very moment, evolving into the kind of person who could not possibly like a movie like this, and I like to think the effort was not in vain.
#113 filmz-tommyam 17 år siden
#114 filmz-tommyam 17 år siden
#115 filmz-tommyam 17 år siden
#116 dewin 17 år siden
btw så må jeg bukke mig for #109... enhver der kan have ANACONDA som en af sine favotitfilm, og dog alligevel mene at andre har dårlig filmsmag, fortjener en klapsalve!
#117 filmz-Renchard 17 år siden
a review---So, I finally got a chance to watch the new Alien Versus Predator in theaters.
Let me first say, that the movie itself is no masterpiece...however...it is more true to the horror-icons than the first movie ever was.
Reiko Aylesworth was a nice choice as the female lead-character. She has proven herself to have a great screen-presence with a sent of masculinity, similar to Ripley's character in the original Alien-franchise. Obviously the directors seems to have more flair, when it comes to battlescenes between our two horror-icons. It's no masterpiece, like I mentioned above, cause on the acting-level, it sort of failes and it sort of seems as there's no chemistry between the actors. However it's likely to forgive the movie for failing on that level, as many of them gets killed quickly.
Surprisingly enough the movie is really fast paced, and it has some cool action-sequences...like the scene in the sewer, when the predator fires it's weapons and you feel how powerful the weapon and the preasure is, and the way they both gets thrown within the sewer. A small thing which bothered me a bit, was the aliens/predators (infrared) heat-vision, which lacked a bit of structure.
This movie, has unlike the first one, no actors from the original franchise like Weyland which is a huge relief...cause we all know what happened to him, right?! ;-)
But it was one of the many mistakes the first movie suffered from....and the fact that it was labeled pg-13...in this movie there's a lot of blood & gore, compared to the first...and also...you see a guy skinned, hanging in a tree....like the predators did in their original franchise.
#118 dolphinfriendly 17 år siden
#119 filmz-Renchard 17 år siden
#120 filmz-Troelsboegh 17 år siden